Re: [MMouse]: sunny day in boston

2000-07-07 Thread KneeXsocks

I was at the show, and I thought it was awesome. Then again, I got in free, 
so I wasn't thinking about money spent. But yes, more old songs would have 
been nice.

Today SDRE came to WFNX, where I work, to do an interview and play a few 
songs. When asked what he didnt want to talk about, Jeremy replied, "God and 
the Foo Fighters." I thought that was amusing. (It will air sunday by the 

Hey Andrew, were you standing in the back by the bar? I saw some big dude 
smoking back there. 


[MMouse]: sunny day in boston

2000-07-07 Thread Andrew Hager

did anyone go see sunny day last night in boston. what did you think of it? i have to 
say it
wasnt worth the $15i mean...keanu reeves' shitty assed band DOGSTARR is playing 
that same
venue (AXIS) tomarrow for only $12...but anyway..sunny day are pretty boring now and 
im not
much of a fan of the new c.d. and they only played like..3 songs i think from how it
feels...but they did do 2 songs from the pink c.dand all they played from diary was
circles...if i were them...i would randomly play like..the song "seven" totally 
without warning
in the middle of a bunch of crappoy songs from the new c.d...and cause a complete riot.
somebody in the crowd between songs yelled out "you guys are fucking geniuses" i hope 
he was
kidding cause it was funny. also jeremy looks like he used to...hes all skinny 
that means he'll go into another fit and go crazy christian again and that will cause 
them to
write good, brooding music again...cause now it seems as tho all he has to be brooding 
about is
his receeding hairline (<===cheap shot) oh yeah NO KNIFE opened (someone asked earlier 
the show who fat lot of good that did) oh yeah and another thing...there were 
everywhere saying (please no smoking at performers request) i was so happy about 
that...i just
wish the modest mouse show in boston could have been a no smoking affair (yeah right) 
that was hell...anyway it made such a big difference having there be no smoke (except 
middle aged seriously fucking obese guy next to me who smelled like pure ass who 
smoked a
couple times. oh well fuck him. thats all.

love and my new kittens being fucking adorable,