That wasn't what i was talking about and you know it.  If your really that
paranoid that one day all your words are going to be stripped away from you
so that you wont have anyway to express yourself..your being a tad paranoid.
All that happens when a word is a taboo is that it makes you think twice
before using it.  Twenty years ago, i could have called a gay person a
faggot without any reproach.  Now, when i use the word i better have a damn
good reason for it..because if i dont its just rude(when i was talking about
faggot before i was talking about it in the sense that it refers to a small
collection of wood..).  Its a matter of civility, if you dont feel inclined
to think of others sensability before you open your sure
everyone will applaud your ability to stand up to the status quo..I
however..wouldn't like words said in my presence..and respect that others
might feel the same way, if only about different words.  Its not about
censoring ideas..which i think is a terrible thing..its about words..there
are almost a million to choose from..if you cant convey an idea because you
cant use a single word..then buy a thesuarus.

PS...whered you hear that origin of the word fuck from? might have been
used that way..but its origin goes back a lot farther than that..

And your mom would stick a fork right into daddy's shoulder, and dad
would throw the garbage all across the floor, as we would lay and learn
what each other's bodies were for.  And your mom would drink until she
was no longer speaking, and dad would dream of all the different ways to
die, each one a little more than he could dare to try.

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