Re: [MMouse]: MM Tribute

1999-02-21 Thread jayne 666

>I don't think that the tribute should be burned on a CD.  Reasons:
>1)  Tapes can hold 90 minutes as opposed to CDs 74.
>2)  These are all going to be lo-fi songs so quality wouldn't be in
>3)  Most importantly, I don't think that there should be any money 
>Does anybody agree with me that tape trades are the way to go with this
>cover project?

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Re: [MMouse]: MM Tribute

1999-02-20 Thread Novocain Stain

well heres what I propose

we make a tape. 
whoever wants a tape can order a tape
its been almost proven that cds are like.. cheeper than tapes nowadays. 
so what i will do is convert the trib tape to mp3
and put the mp3s up for download 
and then whoever WANTS a cd can either have someone with a burner
download the mp3s and convert them back to wav and dump them to cd...or
do it themselves, or dump it to tape if they have the equipment
(ive put a tutorial up on how to do both .. it aint that good of a
tutorial.. but its at )
that way the folks who dont wanna go out and spend ANY money (like me
the cheap bastard that i am) can just do the digital route. 
sound good?
