Re: [MMouse]: foiled again

1999-12-22 Thread jsl04

De gustibus non disputandum.

Or, for you heathens: There is no accounting for taste. 

There are a few other cliches befitting this post, but I'm working on a
kinder/gentler image for the holidays. (My agent is demanding it!)

Drunk for Christmas,


On Wed, 22 Dec 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Alas, I put my faith in you, the listers, to guide me on a musical path to 
 enlightenment, and show me the new music that is out there and I was pointed 
 in the direction of Godspeed You Black Emporer, and I was foiled again.  
 Never have I heard a more pointless effort at music in my days.  The only 
 thing worth listening to is the samples of people they have talking, and 
 since they are samples I can't exactly give them credit.  Its peacful and 
 serene at times, but thats the last time I pay 15$ for 3 songs, silly silly 
 Jonathan-who can't find the Bright Eyes cd anywhere in the world

Re: [MMouse]: foiled again

1999-12-22 Thread jsl04

For those enlightened few:

Insound has the vinyl version of the first Drive Like Jehu release. It'd make
a great Christmas present (hint hint).

See for yourself:

And it's cheap, (burn pigs, burn!)

When everything is said and done, you still have yourself.


Re: [MMouse]: foiled again

1999-12-22 Thread jsl04

Here's what your favorite artists have to say about the Y2K disaster:

I dunno; I think maybe the world will blow up. I think maybe I'm gonna just
dig a hole and crawl into it. Maybe me and Busta Rhymes will dig a hole
somewhere, just for the two of us; he's always screaming "There's only one
year left!"

[*** Does Eminem's hole mean we'll have to hear his shit for another year?!

Ricky Martin
All I know is, I'll be in India.

[*** Fucking genius! ***]

Lars Ulrich, Metallica
Obviously, nothing's going to change. Of course it's a wonderful thing to be
there at the dawn of the 21st century; at the same time, it doesn't really
mean anything. What gets me is how all these capitalistic entities play into
these things. It doesn't mean much to me, honestly, other than it's gonna be a
bigger payday than a normal New Year's.

[*** Obviously, Lars doesn't realize that the 21st century doesn't begin
until 1.1.2001, but hell...he's a rock star. ***]

Jimmy Buffett
I don't think the world's going to end, but if it is, hell, why not be in Los
Angeles? This is not news to those people. I should be able to escape into the
Pacific if it happens. I have an exit strategy.

[*** The fucker is going to swim loaded on margerittas? ***]
Graham Nash
I've been into the Y2K thing for about four-and-a-half-years. I'm expecting
something to happen. Who knows what truly is going to happen, but I don't
believe that nothing will happen. It could go from zero happening to complete,
worldwide chaos. I will be with my friends, where I live in Hawaii, and I have
prepared for that moment. 

[*** Thank god for the genius of rock stars!!! ***]

David Crosby
I'm going to be at home, also, and I'm expecting flying saucers. As a matter
of fact, I hope there's flying saucers.

[*** No comment. ***]

Pieter Bourke
I'm definitely not going to be on an airplane. I know I'm going to make sure
the freezer and the cupboards are well stocked with enough supplies to ride
out the ensuing chaos if it comes.

[*** If ever there was a time! ***]

 Chuck Garvey, moe.
I think that Jell-O is gonna fall from the sky, Nixon is gonna come back from
the dead to run for office, and my credit card balance will be the ONLY thing
lost because of Y2K nonsense. There will be floods of locusts and the nation
will be aflame with apathy 

[*** A voice of reason, finally? ***]

Okay, that was just for kicks. Please, don't go buy up all the water!!

The idiots just seem to form an endless circle.
-J. Sean