Persistent db with PerlRunOnce On?

2000-08-17 Thread Pramod Sokke


Solaris 2.7/Apache 1.3.12/mod_perl 1.24 with Apache::PerlRun (PerlRunOnce On)

Is it possible to establish db connection pooling with PerlRunOnce On? I'm
just moving all our old extremely dirty scripts to mod_perl. I'm noticing
random behaviour of fresh connections being made to the db inspite of
establishing it at server startup.
I'm still waiting for the cleanup handler promised by Andrew Chen :), so I
can move over to PerlRunOnce Off.


Re: Persistent db with PerlRunOnce On?

2000-08-17 Thread Perrin Harkins

 Is it possible to establish db connection pooling with PerlRunOnce On?

No.  Technically Apache::DBI doesn't do "pooling" at all.  It simply keeps a
connection established within a child process open, in that child process.
Since PerlRunOnce On means each child will exit after serving a request, you
get no benefit at all from Apache::DBI.

- Perrin


2000-08-17 Thread Vladimir Buyanov

Hi all!

Can anyone say some words about perfomance issues of Embedded Perl - ePerl
(don't mix up with HTML::Embperl). I mean running under mod_perl using
Apache::ePerl. Maybe anyone has done some perfomance testing?
Thanx beforehand.

Sincerely yours,

Vladimir Buyanov, senior web-developer
Agama Internet Systems

using modules written in C?

2000-08-17 Thread Mikael Claesson

I've always done all my serious cgi-programming in C,
but now I've been forced to lern perl and I kinda
figure it's not that bad. And with mod_perl it looks
even better.

I plan to keep all lowerlevel database stuff in C, and
embed it in a perl module. Will this make things run
slower than if I made it all in perl?

Will apache keep the module in memory between
requests? Does this mean that I'll have to be more
careful to free all memory that I allocate and such?
No more cowboy coding?

There seems to be a module that keeps a constant mysql
database connection open. Will this speed things up
much? Can I use that connection in the C code (in the
homegrown perl module)?

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: using modules written in C?

2000-08-17 Thread Barrie Slaymaker

Mikael Claesson wrote:
 with mod_perl it looks even better.

Cool.  Welcome.

 I plan to keep all lowerlevel database stuff in C, and
 embed it in a perl module. Will this make things run
 slower than if I made it all in perl?

Usually faster, but whether that's significant in your application
(ie will the users notice) is hard to say.  It's primarily
about productivity  maintainance vs. performance tradeoff.

XS code is a good way to preserve your existing code, I suspect.

 Will apache keep the module in memory between

That's one of the primary advantages of mod_perl.  The other
(as I see it) is tight integration with Apache internals.

 Does this mean that I'll have to be more
 careful to free all memory that I allocate and such?

Very much so.

 No more cowboy coding?

'fraid not.

 There seems to be a module that keeps a constant mysql
 database connection open. Will this speed things up
 much? Can I use that connection in the C code (in the
 homegrown perl module)?

Yes, yes, and yes.  It might be too much of a pain to call into
perl from your C code, but you might be able to get the database
connection handle from DBI and pass it in to your C code.  Hard to
tell without knowing more about your C code and why it needs to
stay in C.  However, it should be pretty trivial to cache your
database connection yourself in your C code: just use your own
connection open routine that reuses the previous connection if
it's still valid, and never close.  That's probably easier.

Before going much further, you should probably read The Guide, as
it answers the questions you've asked (except the last) in great
detail, and more:

You might also get Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C, often
referred to as "the Eagle book", by Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern.



 Do You Yahoo!?
 Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: new cgi mod_perl question

2000-08-17 Thread darren chamberlain

Alex Menendez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something to this effect:
 does anyone know how to get the output of a standalone cgi script from a
 mod_perl module
 I have tried all the subrequest stuff but I can't get it to work.

If all you are trying to do is get the raw output, use LWP and a virtual
server running on localhost:

# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
package Apache::CGIGetter;

use vars qw($agent);
use constant HOST = 'http://localhost';

use Apache::Constants 'OK';
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;

BGEIN { $agent = LWP::UserAgent-new(); }

sub handler {
my($r) = @_;
my $url = join '/',HOST,$r-uri;
if(my $args = $r-args) { $url .= "?$args"; }

# These lines are taken from pp. 376-377 of the Eagle book

my $request = HTTP::Request-new($r-method, $url);
$r-headers_in-do(sub { $request-header(@_) });
if($r-method eq 'POST') {
my $len = $r-header_in('Content-length');
my $buf;

my $result = $agent-request($request);

# $cgi_content will contain the body of the resulting page, i.e.,
# the HTML page.
my $cgi_content = $result-content;

# Do stuff here with $cgi_content.

return OK;
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

In the httpd.conf:

FilesMatch "\.cgi$"
SetHandler  perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::CGIGetter

And a virtual host on, running mod_cgi as usual.

Good luck.


He who would trade liberty for safety deserves neither.

Re: Question about $sth-finish;

2000-08-17 Thread Tim Bunce

On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 03:26:03PM +0400, Vladislav Safronov wrote:
 Could you have a look at the lines and answer the question ..
 sub foo {
   my $dbh = shift;
   my $sql = ...
   my $sth = $dbh-prepare($sql);
 Do I always need to call $sth-finish?

You *never* need to call finish on non-select statements.
(If you do, it's a driver bug.)

 Wouldn't it be automaticly called when
 sub foo ends (when my variable $sth get destroyed)?

Finish marks the end of *fetching*, not the end of life of the handle.

Reread the DBI 1.14 docs on finish and tell me if anything is unclear.


p.s. If someone asked me what I'd change about the DBI I was to rewrite
it, I'd probably just say "rename finish to cancel_select".

Swish-e 2.0

2000-08-17 Thread Bill Moseley

There's a new beta version of swish-e that out and available for testing.
Much of the code was rewriting to protect against buffer overruns, and the
big changes are in indexing speed and the addition of phrase searches.
Indexing speed is much better (my little data set of 6000 files went from 6
minutes indexing time to about 30 seconds).

Jose Manuel Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] has been handling most of the development.
 The beta is at his web site at

I'd consider that release stable.

The real reason I'm posting this to the mod_perl list is that Jose has an
early release of a swish-e library and a basic perl module.  That's at

I haven't heard anyone else on the swish-e list that's testing the library,
so maybe someone here could help.  I'm interested to see how well it does
when used under mod_perl (as I'm using the old swish under mod_perl and I
close my eyes whenever I get to the fork() in my code).

The swish-e home page is at

Bill Moseley

Re: Question about $sth-finish;

2000-08-17 Thread Tim Bunce

On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 12:22:46PM -0500, Jay Jacobs wrote:
 On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Tom Mornini wrote:
  It is my understanding of the DBI docs that you only need to call
  $sth-finish when you DON'T fetch all the rows that the $sth has ready to
 From "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C":
   "You should still call finish() at the end of each series of fetches,
 even though you are going to reuse the statement handler.  Failure to do
 so can lead to memory leaks."

Not true. Unless there's a driver bug, in which case anything can happen.

 If I remember correctly, it also frees up any resources used by the
 database (depending on db) for the query, like for sorting, joining,
 etc.  But I can't quote a source for that one.

Me. But it's only relevant if you're _not_ fetching _all_ rows.

 From my point of view, it never hurts to call finish()...



Re: Question about $sth-finish;

2000-08-17 Thread Tim Bunce

On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 08:26:09AM +0200, Henrik Tougaard wrote:
 From: Jay Jacobs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Tom Mornini wrote:
   It is my understanding of the DBI docs that you only need to call
   $sth-finish when you DON'T fetch all the rows that the 
  $sth has ready to
  From "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C":
"You should still call finish() at the end of each series 
  of fetches,
  even though you are going to reuse the statement handler.  
  Failure to do
  so can lead to memory leaks."
 You picked the wrong authority for this! The right place (tm) to look 
 when discussing DBI is 'perldoc DBI'. The relevant quote is:

  If I remember correctly, it also frees up any resources used by the
  database (depending on db) for the query, like for sorting, joining,
  etc.  But I can't quote a source for that one.

 There is no authoritative source for that fallacy - I hope!

The right place (tm) to look when discussing DBI is 'perldoc DBI'. The
relevant quote is:

 $rc  = $sth-finish;
   Consider a query like:
 SELECT foo FROM table WHERE bar=? ORDER BY foo
   where you want to select just the first (smallest) "foo" value from a
   very large table. When executed, the database server will have to use
   temporary buffer space to store the sorted rows. If, after executing
   the handle and selecting one row, the handle won't be re-executed for
   some time and won't be destroyed, the Cfinish method can be used to tell
   the server that the buffer space can be freed.



Re: using modules written in C?

2000-08-17 Thread Stas Bekman

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Barrie Slaymaker wrote:

 Mikael Claesson wrote:
  with mod_perl it looks even better.
 Cool.  Welcome.
  I plan to keep all lowerlevel database stuff in C, and
  embed it in a perl module. Will this make things run
  slower than if I made it all in perl?
 Usually faster, but whether that's significant in your application
 (ie will the users notice) is hard to say.  It's primarily
 about productivity  maintainance vs. performance tradeoff.
 XS code is a good way to preserve your existing code, I suspect.

XS or SWIG, you can find an introduction to both in the Advanced Perl
Programming book. 

For a wonderfull series of XS articles see:

And of course: perldoc perl, which gives:

perlembed   Perl ways to embed perl in your C or C++ application
perlapioPerl internal IO abstraction interface
perlxs  Perl XS application programming interface
perlxstut   Perl XS tutorial
perlgutsPerl internal functions for those doing extensions
perlcallPerl calling conventions from C

[snipped the rest of nice comments]

Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide 

RE: Question about $sth-finish;

2000-08-17 Thread Vladislav Safronov

 On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 03:26:03PM +0400, Vladislav Safronov wrote:
  Could you have a look at the lines and answer the question ..
  sub foo {
  my $dbh = shift;
  my $sql = ...
  my $sth = $dbh-prepare($sql);
  Do I always need to call $sth-finish?
 You *never* need to call finish on non-select statements.
 (If you do, it's a driver bug.)
  Wouldn't it be automaticly called when
  sub foo ends (when my variable $sth get destroyed)?
 Finish marks the end of *fetching*, not the end of life of the handle.

So I can freely overwrite the handle with new one, since it's not the end
of life of the handle, can't I?
my $sql = "select .."
my $sth = $dbh-prepare($sql);
.. fetch just some (not all) data
my $newsql = "select .."
$sth = $dbh-prepare($newsql);
and this code should work with troubles ...


mod_perl-1.24 - Make FAILS!

2000-08-17 Thread Stephen Marriott

Last few lines of make 
MOD_PERL mod_auth.c
cc -c  -I../../os/unix -I../../include   -DLINUX=2 -DMOD_PERL 
-DUSE_HSREGEX -DUSE_EXPAT -I../../lib/expat-lite -DNO_DL_NEEDED -D
MOD_PERL mod_setenvif.c
rm -f libstandard.a
ar cr libstandard.a mod_env.o mod_log_config.o mod_mime.o 
mod_negotiation.o mod_status.o mod_include.o mod_autoindex.o mod_dir.o
 mod_cgi.o mod_asis.o mod_imap.o mod_actions.o mod_userdir.o 
mod_alias.o mod_access.o mod_auth.o mod_setenvif.o
ranlib libstandard.a
=== modules/standard
=== modules/perl
cc -O2 -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include 
-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE -DMOD_PERL_VERSION=\"1.24\" 
I=1  -I../../os/unix -I../../include   -DLINUX=2 -DMOD_PERL 
D_PERL -c mod_perl.c
In file included from mod_perl.h:92,
 from mod_perl.c:67:
/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE/perl.h:2546: redefinition of 
`union semun'
make[3]: *** [mod_perl.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all] Error 1
make[1]: *** [subdirs] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/httpd_perl/apache_1.3.12/src'
make: *** [apache_httpd] Error 2

Perl version 5.005_03 built for i386-linux (2.0.36)

Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.2.1-ac1, archname=i386-linux
uname='linux 2.2.1-ac1 #1 smp mon feb 1
17:44:44 est 1999 i686 unknown '
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef useperlio=undef d_sfio=undef
cc='cc', optimize='-O2', gccversion=egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux
(egcs-1.1.2 release)
cppflags='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include'
ccflags ='-Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL -I/usr/local/include'
stdchar='char', d_stdstdio=undef, usevfork=false
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
alignbytes=4, usemymalloc=n, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib'
libpth=/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib
libs=-lnsl -lndbm -lgdbm -ldb -ldl -lm -lc -lposix -lcrypt
libc=, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags='-rdynamic'
cccdlflags='-fpic', lddlflags='-shared -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Apr  6 1999 23:34:07

Any ideas?

Stephen Marriott - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HiSOFT, The Old School, Greenfield, Bedford, MK45 5DE, UK
Tel: +44 1525 718181 Fax: +44 1525 713716 Freecall: 0500 223 660 PGP public key on request.ICQ#:29793027

RE: Apache::ePerl

2000-08-17 Thread Vladislav Safronov


;) see the benchmarks

 Can anyone say some words about perfomance issues of Embedded 
 Perl - ePerl
 (don't mix up with HTML::Embperl). I mean running under mod_perl using
 Apache::ePerl. Maybe anyone has done some perfomance testing?
 Thanx beforehand.
 Sincerely yours,
 Vladimir Buyanov, senior web-developer
 Agama Internet Systems

@INC still tainted :-(

2000-08-17 Thread Dave Jenkins


Sorry if it's a breach of etiquette to re-post a query, and I'm doubly sorry if
it turns out to have been a particularly stupid question, but I've still not
found a solution or any clues. If I'm missing something obvious or just being
plain daft, feel free to mail me privately to avoid wasting more bandwidth!


Dave Jenkins
Silk New Media

--  Forwarded Message  --
Subject: Tainted @INC
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 15:02:26 +0100
From: Dave Jenkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'd appreciate some help with a nasty little intermittent problem.

I'm running...
Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21 mod_ssl/2.4.9 OpenSSL/0.9.4
on a SuSE 6.2 box (2.2.10 kernel)

Mostly everything is fine, but now and then the following error appears. When
it does, it occurs every few requests, so presumably infects one or two of the
running Apache processes. It's cured by a restart (until the next time it

[error] Insecure dependency in require while running with -T switch at blah

The relevant line in blah is a 'use' statement, such as
use Time::Local 'timegm';

I tried to find whether the problem was due to something dodgey getting into
@INC, by running the test script inctest.cgi, attached (is_tainted function
lifted from Camel book). If I run this after getting the above error message,
it indicates that every element of @INC is tainted.

I've looked at the "@INC and mod_perl" page in the guide. In httpd.conf I have
PerlTaintCheck On and I'm not setting PERL5LIB. My doesn't do
anything with 'use lib'.

Thanks in advance for any advice,

Dave Jenkins
Silk New Media


Location Directive Problem

2000-08-17 Thread Tony Whyte

Running apache-1.3.11, mod_perl-1.24, irix6.5.5

this works: (gets handled by mod_perl)

Location /hello-world
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Hello

this doesnt:

Location /hello/world
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Hello

Tried quoting "/hello/world" I still get  "File does not exist:
/usr/local/apache/htdocs/hello/world" in logs.

Is there some other directive Ive missed or misconfigured.



Re: using modules written in C?

2000-08-17 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Mikael Claesson wrote:
 I plan to keep all lowerlevel database stuff in C, and
 embed it in a perl module. Will this make things run
 slower than if I made it all in perl?

It shouldn't.  Keep in mind though, when you use DBI from perl you are
still doing all the low-level database stuff in C.  DBI is all C code
with a perl interface.

Ultimately, most database applications under mod_perl have their
performance bottleneck at the database, which means you get a good return
on your effort by writing your application in the way that's easiest for
you to maintain (maybe in C, in your case) and then spending your
optimization time tuning the database and the SQL.

- Perrin

Chaining SSI and gzip

2000-08-17 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size

This is probably a FAQ, in which case I'll accept my wet-noodle
lashings and follow any links provided.

I'm trying to help someone who wants to use server-side includes
AND send the result gzip-encoded.  Base Apache 1.3 can't do this, but
I *think* this can be done with mod_perl and Apache::* modules (a
mod_include emulator and a gzipper -- both of which exist, I'm sure),
but a specific pointer to a recipe or an implementation example would
be very welcome..

And of course this is a rush job, and it's the end of the day.. :-(
Thanks for forbearance, friends..

Ken Coarhttp://Golux.Com/coar/
Apache Software Foundation
"Apache Server for Dummies" http://Apache-Server.Com/
"Apache Server Unleashed"   http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/

Re: Chaining SSI and gzip

2000-08-17 Thread ___cliff rayman___

i think this is FAQ you are looking for:

Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

 This is probably a FAQ, in which case I'll accept my wet-noodle
 lashings and follow any links provided.

 I'm trying to help someone who wants to use server-side includes
 AND send the result gzip-encoded.  Base Apache 1.3 can't do this, but
 I *think* this can be done with mod_perl and Apache::* modules (a
 mod_include emulator and a gzipper -- both of which exist, I'm sure),
 but a specific pointer to a recipe or an implementation example would
 be very welcome..

 And of course this is a rush job, and it's the end of the day.. :-(
 Thanks for forbearance, friends..

 Ken Coarhttp://Golux.Com/coar/
 Apache Software Foundation
 "Apache Server for Dummies" http://Apache-Server.Com/
 "Apache Server Unleashed"   http://ApacheUnleashed.Com/

Apache Variables

2000-08-17 Thread Russell . Dobbins

Let me start with "I'm new".

If this is the wrong forum, let me know now and please direct me to the right

I come from the Mac/Windows world.

I'd like to know howm to check on the status of Apache via perl and what
commands are possible to check on things like the listeners, DB connectivity.

And if there are suggestions for places to read and learn, I'd appreciate them.

Thanks in advance

Russell Dobbins
Verizon Wireless

Re: Apache Variables

2000-08-17 Thread ___cliff rayman___

2 main things to read for mod_perl apache:
the guide:

the book:

good luck,


 Let me start with "I'm new".

 If this is the wrong forum, let me know now and please direct me to the right

 I come from the Mac/Windows world.

 I'd like to know howm to check on the status of Apache via perl and what
 commands are possible to check on things like the listeners, DB connectivity.

 And if there are suggestions for places to read and learn, I'd appreciate them.

 Thanks in advance

 Russell Dobbins
 Verizon Wireless

Apache 1.3.12/mod_perl 1.23/Activestate Perl 5.6.0 and db persistance

2000-08-17 Thread Eric Smith

Looking for suggestion as to where we might find the problem in
getting a sample script implementing db persistance working with the
above config on a windows box.

Tries to follow the docs by the following:

 -- add to httpd.conf: 
 PerlModule Apache::DBI



use DBI (); 
use Apache::DBI;
use strict;

use vars qw($dbh);
use CGI;
my $cgi=new CGI;
use CGI::Carp 'fatalsToBrowser';

print $cgi-header;
print $cgi-start_html("Persistant Test");

use Win32::OLE::Variant;
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE::Const;
use DBD::ADO;
my $database = "db";
my $user = "port";
my $password = "ahem";
my $ADO_SQL_data_source =

 $dbh ||= DBI-connect("dbi:ADO:$ADO_SQL_data_source"  )|| print "Error 111";

my $sth = $dbh-prepare('select description from grade');
$sth-execute() || print "error 555";
my @row;
while(@row=$sth-fetchrow) { print @row; }
print $cgi-end_html;

Now this works perfectly (like it prints the result of the sql) on the
first web access.  However when you reload or access again from
another machine or whatever, this in the browser:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 22:31:40 GMT Server:
Apache/1.3.12 (Win32)   
   mod_perl/1.23 Connection: close Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html; 

and this is the error_log:

[Fri Aug 18 00:31:40 2000] nul: Win32::OLE(0.12): GetOleObject() Not a Win32::OLE 
object at C:/Perl/site/5.6.0/lib/Win32/OLE/ line 148.
[Fri Aug 18 00:31:40 2000] nul: Win32::OLE(0.12): GetOleObject() Not a Win32::OLE 
object at C:/Perl/site/5.6.0/lib/Win32/OLE/ line 148.
[Fri Aug 18 00:31:40 2000] [error] Can't call method "Clear" on an undefined value at 
C:/Perl/site/5.6.0/lib/DBD/ line 47.

Eric Smith
Landline: 00 27 21 426 5311
Mobile: 00 27 82 373 1224

[announce] Apache::DumpHeaders 0.90

2000-08-17 Thread Ask Bjoern Hansen

The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/A/AB/ABH/Apache-DumpHeaders-0.90.tar.gz
  size: 2786 bytes
   md5: 6631c3612d14162c87d26a45a29a2283

I just made a minor change and realized that I don't think I
announced this module before. It's very very very tiny but also very
very very useful. At ValueClick we have our application marking
certain transactions (usually those involving "bad data" of some
kind) as "dumpable" and then this module is configured to dump N% of
the transactions that gets marked as dumpable. Then when we want to
work with it we just take a look at the logfile from this module and
we have all the data we need to track what browsers does what weird


Apache::DumpHeaders - Watch HTTP transaction via headers


  #httpd.conf or some such
  PerlLogHandler Apache::DumpHeaders
  PerlSetVar DumpHeaders_File -
  PerlSetVar DumpHeaders_IP ""
  #PerlSetVar DumpHeaders_Conditional 
  #PerlSetVar DumpHeaders_Percent


  This module is used to watch an HTTP transaction, looking at
  client and servers headers.

  With Apache::ProxyPassThru configured, you are able to watch your
  browser talk to any server besides the one with this module living


 - ask

ask bjoern hansen -
more than 70M impressions per day,

file download with mod_perl

2000-08-17 Thread pritesht

I am using following script in perl to download a file from the server to the local 
machine. The great thing about this code is, it populates a file save as dialog. The 
dialog is populated becuase of "Content-type:application/unknown\n 
my ($in) = new CGI;
my ($filetobedownloaded)  = $in-param('filetobedownloaded');
my ($working_dir) = $in-param('wd');
print "Content-type:application/unknown\n 
my $directory = "$config{'root_dir'}/$working_dir";
open (OUTFILE, "$directory/$filetobedownloaded");
binmode OUTFILE;
binmode STDOUT;
while (OUTFILE) { 
close (OUTFILE); 

However, the same code is not working under mod_perl. The file content is the same as 
original file, but filename is populated as download.cgi instead of actual file name. 
I think mod_perl is putting its own headers, while sending the data.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Feed  Your Greed !!!
Get your 10MB Free space only at NOW!

using mod_perl with SSI-run perl scripts

2000-08-17 Thread Mike Hodson

Hello there.
I am currently looking for a way to reduce the server load on a very popular
website.  I must admit, I am not a whiz with perl, nor was I the designer of
our current system.  The web content designer (I myself am a server
administrator) is using a set of small perl scripts run thru the SSI !--exec
CGI="/cgi-bin/"-- method to change advertizing banners on different
pages.  I personally want to convert them into some sort of embperl or PHP
code embedded into the pages, however the current number of pages that require
these scripts number in the thousands, and I can't justify changing everything
over if there is another option.

I need to know if mod_perl can execute the perl scripts called by the exec cgi
SSI command, and if so, instructions on how to make this work properly.
Right now our server (p3-550mhz, 768 megs ram, freebsd 4.0) load average is
steady around 5, and spikes to over 20 when people request the SSI enabled

Thanks in advance for any help on this subject.

Mike Hodson

Re: using mod_perl with SSI-run perl scripts

2000-08-17 Thread Perrin Harkins

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Mike Hodson wrote:
 I need to know if mod_perl can execute the perl scripts called by the
 exec cgi SSI command, and if so, instructions on how to make this work

Take a look at the mod_perl docs:

- Perrin

cvs commit: modperl-site/embperl Changes.pod.1.html

2000-08-17 Thread richter

richter 00/08/17 00:32:36

  Modified:embperl  Changes.pod.1.html
  Embperl Webpages - Changes
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.164 +20 -2 modperl-site/embperl/Changes.pod.1.html
  Index: Changes.pod.1.html
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl-site/embperl/Changes.pod.1.html,v
  retrieving revision 1.163
  retrieving revision 1.164
  diff -u -r1.163 -r1.164
  --- Changes.pod.1.html2000/08/16 05:35:22 1.163
  +++ Changes.pod.1.html2000/08/17 07:32:34 1.164
  @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
   [a href="index.html"HOME/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.cont.html"CONTENT/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.cont.html"PREV (Revision History - Content)/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.2.html"NEXT (1.3b4 (BETA)  17.07.2000)/a]nbsp;nbsp; brhr
  -Last Update: Wed Aug 16 07:36:00 2000 (MET)
  +Last Update: Thu Aug 17 09:33:14 2000 (MET)
   NOTE: This version is only available via A HREF="CVS.pod.1.html#INTRO""CVS"/A
  @@ -26,10 +26,28 @@
  -PRE   - Fixed a problem with POSTed data, which had got lost for the first,
  +PRE   - Embperl now supports Apache::Session 1.52. See quot;Session 
  + in the docs, how the setup has changed.
  +   - Fixed a problem with POSTed data, which had got lost for the first,
request when using EmbperlObject handler. Spotted by
Kaare Rasmussen.
  - Fixed a typo in HTML::Embperl::Mail, spotted by Robert.
  +   - changed require to use HTML::Embperl in EmbperlObject to avoid problems
  + with dynamic loading. Spotted by Robert.
  +   - Embperl takes the cookie for session handling from the Apache 
  + request record to make it available in earlier phases then the
  + content handler. Suggested by Jack Cushman.
  +   - added entity decoding for value attribute of radio/checkboxes.
  + Spotted by Chris Thorman.
  +   - %fdat is not resetup when already done and formtype is 
  + multipart/formdata. Spotted by Michael Slade.
  +   - Embperl inserts amp;amp; instead of a signle amp; inside query strings
  + when expaned from array or hash refs.
  +   - Embperl now also accepts hashref inside a url and expand it
  + to a query_string i.e. lt;a href=quot;foo.html?[+ { a=gt;1, b=gt;2 
}+]quot;gt; will become
  + lt;a href=quot;foo.html?a=1amp;amp;b=gt;2quot;gt;.
  +   - EMBPERL_COOKIE_EXPIRES now also supports relativ times like: 
  + +30s +10m +1h -1d +3M +10y
   p[a href="index.html"HOME/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.cont.html"CONTENT/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.cont.html"PREV (Revision History - Content)/a]nbsp;nbsp; [a 
href="Changes.pod.2.html"NEXT (1.3b4 (BETA)  17.07.2000)/a]nbsp;nbsp; br

cvs snapshots

2000-08-17 Thread Eric Cholet

We no longer have cvs snapshots in
There's only httpd in there.
(we link to this from

Eric Cholet

Re: cvs snapshots

2000-08-17 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, Eric Cholet wrote:

 We no longer have cvs snapshots in
 There's only httpd in there.
 (we link to this from

i guess we should change it to:

cvs commit: modperl ToDo

2000-08-17 Thread dougm

dougm   00/08/17 14:19:35

  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.245 +10 -0 modperl/ToDo
  Index: ToDo
  RCS file: /home/cvs/modperl/ToDo,v
  retrieving revision 1.244
  retrieving revision 1.245
  diff -u -r1.244 -r1.245
  --- ToDo  2000/05/17 05:14:47 1.244
  +++ ToDo  2000/08/17 21:19:34 1.245
  @@ -3,6 +3,16 @@
(well, close to it anyhow)
  +- allow $r-server-uid($new_uid) ?
  +  [Rob Giseburt [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  +- Apache::read() does not clear $_[1] before appending data, bug or feature?
  +  [Cyrus Rahman [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  +- Apache::Constants::AUTOLOAD recursion [Jim Winstead [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  +- CHECK blocks? [Michael J Schout [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   - {get,set}_handlers troubles [Geoffrey Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   - remove eg/ directory, it's way out of date and no longer needed now