Re: templating benchmarks...

2001-06-09 Thread Tom Lancaster

 This benchmark can be very non-representive. If you don't know how to
 optimize each and every thing under test, you end up with unfair
 benchmark and come to potentially wrong conclusions. Take TT, add compiled
 template caching on the disk and shared TT object and I bet TT won't be at
 the bottom.
 In any case always remember that it's extremely hard to run a fair
 benchmark. I'd say it's almost impossible. The only fair benchmarking can
 be done if you know all the in's and out's of the 'things' under test and
 provide many benchmark tests each exploring a single property and not just
 'one for all' benchmark.
 Of course it's a good thing to have benchmarks, but they all should be
 taken with a grain of salt.

Absolutely. But I'd like to bring up something I've noticed in benchmarking
'real' sites: many, if not all, of the templating solutions appear to 
parse the whole of an html page. This is at least true of Apache::ASP and
HTML::Mason, which I have used. Is it not ?

I have produced really dramatic differences in performance in a two-tier 
setup by judicious use of mod_include vs. wholesale proxying of pages
with dynamic content through to the mod_perl/Apache::ASP server.
For example: 
In a situation with 1 lightweight frontend proxy and two backend 
mod_perl/Apache::ASP app servers ( with load distributed evenly using 
a patched mod_rewrite and its ability to select randomly from a list in a file )
, in one part of the site the dynamic headers and footers are generated by
using !--#include virtual=/apps/include/pane.html?pane=headerlocation=$REQUEST_URI 
--, where the file being included is in fact proxied back to the app
servers to receive content; in other parts of the site similarly simple pages
are proxied in their entirety to the app servers.

The results I can produce ( granted only with 'ab' ) are stunningly different:
when I request the header and footer from the app servers using mod_include
plus my modified mod_rewrite ( the stock version refuses to rewrite proxied 
requests ), I get up to 600 requests / second. When proxying the whole page
through I get around 6 requests / second.

Granted, I have other major bottlenecks involved: using Berkeley DB v1.x
for session state, for one. Perhaps this explains some of it -- maybe the 
proxied header/footer requests never make session calls.

I suspect that the wholesale parsing/eval-ing of html pages also plays a part.

What do y'all think ?



 Stas Bekman  JAm_pH --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker   mod_perl Guide

Apache pnotes

2001-06-09 Thread Jamie Krasnoo

The Eagle Books explanation of notes isn't very clear. Could someone point
me to a page that explains it somewhat better? In what situation would it be
beneficial to use them?

Jamie Krasnoo

Re: Apache pnotes

2001-06-09 Thread Matt Sergeant

On Sat, 9 Jun 2001, Jamie Krasnoo wrote:

 The Eagle Books explanation of notes isn't very clear. Could someone point
 me to a page that explains it somewhat better? In what situation would it be
 beneficial to use them?

You use notes (or pnotes) when you want a kind of global variable that is
localised to the request, but also accessible to sub-requests. For
example, Apache::Request stores it's current instance in pnotes, so that
it's guaranteed to be unique to that request. If it were stored in a
global, it would be the same apr object in subrequests.

Use pnotes instead of notes when you either need to store a perl object,
or need to store binary nulls.


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Re: comparison of templating methods?

2001-06-09 Thread jherring

will trillich wrote:

tuppence type='mine'

These are only two I have much experience with.  I've found both to be
well written, stable and well supported.  TT makes it easier to separate
the logic from the presentation layer IMHO. But every time I code a
project in mason I find myself smiling and thinking 'This is fun', at
least occasionally.  Projects seem to come together _much_ faster with
Mason, though overall coding time isn't much different. With Mason you
have to work harder if you want to separate logic  presentation, but
its fairly straightfoward if you put some thought into your component
design ahead of time.

So typically, if I need skinability, or if I need to give edit
capability to html'ers with no perl but light scripting ability I use
TT, otherwise I use Mason.



Re: comparison of templating methods?

2001-06-09 Thread jherring

will trillich wrote:

tuppence type='mine'

These are only two I have much experience with.  I've found both to be
well written, stable and well supported.  TT makes it easier to separate
the logic from the presentation layer IMHO. But every time I code a
project in mason I find myself smiling and thinking 'This is fun', at
least occasionally.  Projects seem to come together _much_ faster with
Mason, though overall coding time isn't much different. With Mason you
have to work harder if you want to separate logic  presentation, but
its fairly straightfoward if you put some thought into your component
design ahead of time.

So typically, if I need skinability, or if I need to give edit
capability to html'ers with no perl but light scripting ability I use
TT, otherwise I use Mason.



Re: comparison of templating methods?

2001-06-09 Thread jherring

will trillich wrote:

tuppence type='mine'

These are only two I have much experience with.  I've found both to be
well written, stable and well supported.  TT makes it easier to separate
the logic from the presentation layer IMHO. But every time I code a
project in mason I find myself smiling and thinking 'This is fun', at
least occasionally.  Projects seem to come together _much_ faster with
Mason, though overall coding time isn't much different. With Mason you
have to work harder if you want to separate logic  presentation, but
its fairly straightfoward if you put some thought into your component
design ahead of time.

So typically, if I need skinability, or if I need to give edit
capability to html'ers with no perl but light scripting ability I use
TT, otherwise I use Mason.



i use linux+apache. how to create a cgi-bin directory for Virtual Host?

2001-06-09 Thread ydok

my system is build on linux+apache
now i'm create virtual hosts.i change the 
config file (/opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf)like
# get the server name from the Host: 
headerUseCanonicalName Off# this log format can be split 
per-virtual-host based on the first fieldLogFormat "%V %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s 
%b" vcommonCustomLog logs/access_log vcommon
# include the server name in the filenames used to satisfy 
requestsVirtualDocumentRoot /www/hosts/%0/VirtualScriptAlias 

now i try to browse the virtual host ,i canget (which is in 
/www/hosts/,) but can not get .(which is in 
/www/hosts/,the system can't find the file.

yet i can get http://localhost/cgi-bin/,(which is 
in /opt/apache/cgi-bin),why?

by the way,i need create many virtual host,so i 
mustdo dynamic creating like 