Re: OSC early bird and mod_perl T-Shirts

2002-06-10 Thread Adam Worrall

 SB == Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SB 2. We want T-Shirts. Is there some kind company to sponsor the
SB mod_perl T-Shirts this year?

It might be nice it some T-shirts were available (somehow) to
non-attendees - after all, every shirt worn is advertising ;)

Or perhaps the final design could be made available, and people could
just get them printed individually (only 11 UKP down the high street !)

Just a thought ...

 - Adam

Re: Apache::Session problems

2002-02-28 Thread Adam Worrall

 CW == Chris Winters [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Thu, 2002-02-28 at 06:16, Domien Bakker wrote:
 [Thu Feb 28 11:46:39 2002] [error] Storable binary image v24.48
 more recent than I am (v2.4) at blib/lib/ (autosplit
 into blib/lib/auto/Storable/ line 351, at
 m line 27

CW This sounds like someone with a more recent version of Storable
CW in their private lib has been testing sessions or something,
CW since there's a mismatch of what is in the database versus the
CW module trying to read the data. Be sure you've got the latest
CW version of Storable installed.

I had a very similar problem, claiming that the data was serialised
using version 50.xx; I think it indicates that the serialised data is
somehow corrupt. I think I saw it because I had frozen a scalar that was
not a reference, but I could be mistaken.

But it is not a version problem, it just looks like one ;)

Anway, after fixing some other bugs, blowing away the stored items and
re-starting, the problem vanished.

Good luck,

 - Adam

Variant of Monday-morning bug with Apache::DBI + DBD::Oracle

2001-10-12 Thread Adam Worrall

Just thought I'd report on a puzzling bug ... for us it was caused by a
firewall, but I can imagine you'd get the same behaviour if packets to
your Oracle box starting falling into a hole.

 Apache children hanging for almost exactly 12 minutes on DB
 transactions, usually early weekday mornings.

Underlying cause:
 A firewall was breaking idle TCP sessions, including connections
 between Apache  Oracle, causing packets to be 'mysteriously' dropped.

 Apache::DBI's ping check worked fine, but when the dbh was ejected from
 the cache (and so went out of scope), something in the DESTROY stack
 was blocking, and holding the child up for 12m. I'm guesing the
 underlying DBD::Oracle code was trying to do a nice shutdown on the
 dbh, but obviously couldn't.

Quick hack:
 Tweak Apache::DBI to keep the ejected dbh in scope, in a global @array
 or something, and perform a daily/weekly restart on apache.

My guess at a proper solution:
 Some way of flagging the DBH as broken, so that underlying DBD::*
 drivers don't try to use it during a DESTROY call, or something.

Our solution:
 Reconfigure the firewall ;)

 - Adam

Re: Variant of Monday-morning bug with Apache::DBI + DBD::Oracle

2001-10-12 Thread Adam Worrall

 PH == Perrin Harkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PH Are you loading the Oracle driver in the parent process (with
PH I think I remember this sometimes causing problems
PH with re-connecting.

No, but we did hand load it in a module called from perl.conf with
PerlModule. We had a good reason for that, too (to do with the Oracle
driver overloading alarm(), so that the second alarm in

   $dbh = DBI-connect(dbi:Oracle:..., ...);

cleared a different type of alarm that the first call set ...)

PH Another solution is to have the child process exit if the ping
PH fails. You get one failed request, but you clear out the messed
PH up processes quickly and replace them with new ones that can
PH connect safely.

Yeah, good point. Although our poor little WAP service (for that is what
was for) gets so few hits, they'll all be getting failed if we do that ;

 - Adam

Knowing if a apache server is compiled with mod_perl

2001-09-17 Thread Adam Worrall

 Mat == Mat  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mat Hi everyone, I'd like to know if there is a simple way to find
Mat if an apache server is compiled with mod_perl and with which
Mat version.

This does it for me:

  $ strings /some/httpd | grep 'mod_perl\/'

The 'strings' command works under Linux and Solaris, I think it's fairly
standard ... and handy :)

 - Adam

Re: [OT] Client Certificate Authentification module?

2001-03-14 Thread Adam Worrall

 "KV" == Kees Vonk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

KV I am looking for a module that will allow me to use Client
KV Certificates to authenticate the users. I am pretty sure I have
KV come accros this before, but I cannot find it anywhere. Anybody
KV know where I can find this.

This is an apache / mod_ssl configuration issue:

I'm not aware of any mod_perl API into the SSL stuff.

I've got live configuration of a setup that uses this stuff, so mail me
if you get stuck ...

 - Adam