
sorry for bothering you with a question concerning mod_perl under 
windows (it's not that I like windows so much, it's just because I have 
to use a windows system ...)

I tried to install precompiled mod_perl within an Apache 1.3.22 server 
on Windows 2000 as indicated on http://perl.apache.org, and this failed 
(error message below).

My question is:
1. is there a way to get a precompiled windows version running (I don't 
want to reset my Apache server to some ancient version!)
2. is it worth the effort (and likely to be successful) to configure the 
CPAN module with make- and cc-Utilities (e.g. from cygwin), and is there 
an *easy* indication how to do it
3. is Apache/mod_perl and windows an invalid combination which simply 
should not be used???

Thanks in advance
Albrecht Fortenbacher

1. my environment is Windows 2000, Apache 1.3.22 and Perl 5.6.1, binary 
build 629 provided by ActiveState
2. I installed mod_perl via ActiveState's ppm from 
http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppmpackages, as indicated on the 
perl.apache.org page
3. at the end of the installation process, the module mod_perl.so is 
copied into the Apache modules directory
4. this module is not recognized by Apache, as the following *weird* 
error message shows:
 >  Can't locate API module structure `mod_perl' in file
 >  e:/apache/modules/mod_perl.
 >  so: (127) The specified procedure could not be found:
This error message was produced by the line
 >  LoadModule mod_perl modules/mod_perl.so
in the httpd.conf file.

Prof. Dr. Albrecht Fortenbacher     Angew. Informatik / FHTW Berlin
         Anschrift: FB4, FHTW Berlin, Treskowallee 8, 10313 Berlin
         Tel: 030 5019-2321  Fax: -2671
         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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