RE: [OT] Ideas for limiting form submissions

2002-12-18 Thread Clare, Bruce W
Some other imperfect solutions:
* Take the CRC (or some other hash function) of the message content and
reject messages with duplicate CRC (still vulnerable to morphing of the

* limit submissions by sender to one every X minutes. Avoids the AOL issue,
but vulnerable to DDOS and spoofing.

* Have the form run some client side code (javascript or VBS) to create the
email and send it from the client, so you have more information about the
sender (Use something similar to browser or mail client behavior on a
mailto:; URI.).  Plus, using a client-side script will allow you to turn
some of the spammers techniques back on them. If it's a bot, it's likely to
either blow up or reject your request. If you send a bunch of extra requests
back to suspected bots, you're more likely to crash the bot. For example: 
* for each request, open a new client window to acknowledge receipt. Clients
can deal with it, bots have to be designed to filter it or handle it.
* For suspected bot requests, send huge text strings back to the requester
to see if the bot has a buffer overflow vulnerability.
* CC: the mailto: message back to the sender from the client side to flood
their inbox when its a bot.

Even if the bot honors the send mail request, you're returning the favor
back to the spammers and flooding their system with Emails, too. Even if the
bots can continue to hit the submit button, it will reduce the server side
processing time for each request, and greatly reduce the number of emails
actually sent. Downside is that if they scan the outgoing emails from their
machine, they can spam the email address. 

-Original Message-
From: Bill Moseley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 1:13 PM
Subject: [OT] Ideas for limiting form submissions

I've got a mod_perl feed-back form that sends mail to a specific address..
Spammers have their bots hitting the form now.  The tricks I know of are:

- generate a random image of numbers and make the user type in the numbers
on the form.  Painful for the user and spammers probably have OCR!

- require an email and send a confirmation email (like a list
subscription) and whitelist some email addresses.  But we want to allow
anonymous submissions.

- limit submissions by IP number to one every X minutes.  AOL users may
get blocked.

- md5 the submission and block duplicates (should do this anyway).  BTW --
what would you recommend for caching the md5 strings.  Cache::Cache or
DBM?  I suppose a Cache::Cache file cache would be the easiest.

Any other ideas on the easy to implement side?


[mp2.0] How do I port modules using Apache::SIG?

2002-12-03 Thread Clare, Bruce W
I'm attempting to run Scoop 0.9 ( under Apache2/mod_perl
2.0 running on Windows 2000, but the application was written for Apache/mp
1.x, so it uses Apache::SIG (and possibly other) modules that are no longer
in mod_perl.  

The mod_perl developer documentation for porting from 1.x to 2.x doesn't
really cover the missing modules, other than to say you can use
Apache::compat to allow use of deprecated methods. This doesn't do the job
here, which makes sense because the SIG module isn't even installed on my
system. Is there any resource that discusses the changes between mod_perl
1.x and 2.x in more detail than the current developer document? The key
point here is what has been deprecated/removed/rearchitected in mod_perl
2.x? and how do I replace it?