Re: [preview 2] new mod_perl site concept

2001-11-06 Thread Craig McLane

I focused mostly on the content - Stas this rocks!  Very easy to
navigate, and the info (especially the Apache::Test documentation is

One 'style' nit, it appears that an absolute width is specified on the tables
used for formatting which bumps the right area of the page so that I
have to scroll horizontally in my browser.  It looks fine in links, so
it might just be the font I am using.


On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 06:53:48PM +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Those that are on the docset-templates list know that I'm moving on with 
 the new docset building code, I'm going to release it very soon now.
 Here is a second preview of the site:
 As usual disregard the content, just say if you see something wrong with 
 navigation widgets, concepts in general.
 If everything is cool, I'll start filling it with the real content. Also 
 see another email that I'll send in a sec.
 Stas Bekman JAm_pH  --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker  mod_perl Guide
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: webDAV server in mod_perl?

2001-10-05 Thread Craig McLane

There was some talk on the mod_perl dev list a week or so ago by Gerald
Richter of using some of the XS auto generation functionality in mod_perl
2.0 to wrap mod_dav inside perl.

Here is work he has done posted to the web_dav list:

Here is the posting the the mod_perl dev list:


On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, tim fulcher wrote:

 I'm arriving at the conclusion that a few of the things I'm trying to do
 in my application are basically pseudo webDAV type actions such as
  PROPATCH, but currently all handled on the server side via Perl  PHP.
 I'm looking to see whether I could move to a proper webDAV type
 solution but reuse a lot of the work I've already done. Client side
 libraries seem to be reasonably prolific in a number of languages but
 server side
 implementations are a bit thin on the ground.
 The mod_dav module seems to be a solution of kinds, though people seem
 to have lots of hassle getting it to operate alongside mod_perl (indeed
 my build of  mod_dav as a shared object with mod_perl built statically
 prevented the server starting up properly).
 But the reason I'd rather not use mod_dav is that  I want more control
 over how the properties get stored. Ideally I'd want some abstraction to
 storage layer where I could try out different ideas (Berkeley DB, MySQL
 or whatever) to stash the properties (dead ones I guess), plus maybe
 lock and version information of resources
 The Jakarta Slide approach seems more akin to what I'm after with webDAV
 functionality as just a component, but for now I'd like to stick to
 in Perl or maybe PHP.
 Frankly I'm surprised no one seems to have attempted a Perl server side
 webDAV implementation by now :-)
 Anybody out there tinkered with the possibilities of a mod_perl based
 webDAV server  ?
 Tim Fulcher

Re: return from nested functions

2000-11-01 Thread Craig McLane

On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Dave Rolsky wrote:

 On Wed, 1 Nov 2000, Paul J. Lucas wrote:
  If I'm a few levels deep into function calls, I'd liek to be
  able to do something like "return SERVER_ERROR" and have the
  entire call stack unwind and the current request stopped.
  Is there any way to do that?
 Not that this has anything to do with mod_perl really but ...
 Use exceptions.  There's a section in the guide on them some crazy guy
 wrote ;)
 I recommend my Exception::Class module on CPAN.  But I would do that,
 wouldn't I?

I'll second that recommendation, at citysearch we are using
Exception::Class very successfully.  We are able to trap all sorts of
errors and the overhead is fairly small.


Re: OT: Server-push client page reload

2000-09-20 Thread Craig McLane

I believe they are using meta refresh tags in the html to refresh the page
on a regular interval.


On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Michael Nachbaur wrote:

 This is off-topic, but I need an answer pretty quick, and I *am* writing this app 
using mod_perl, so its sorta related (also, I don't want the headache of 
re-subscribing to a new list).
 You know those online web-based tech support chat systems?  Its commonly frame 
based, but its just like IRC, but over HTML.  when a user posts a message it 
immediatly pops up on the chat frame, and you submit your message through a 
regular-ol' HTML form.  I don't think this is an applet, because this works in all 
sorts of browsers.  I think its javascript, but I'm not sure. My main question, is 
when the server knows that a new message has been posted, how does it push that new 
page out to the client web browser?  I'm used to all page-views originating from the 
client...not the server.
 Any ideas?
 Michael A. Nachbaur (KE6WIA)
 "..I've got blisters on my fingers!!!"  -- Ringo Starr

Re: Newbie question on Apache::Debug::dump

2000-08-19 Thread Craig McLane

The request object is $r


On Sat, 19 Aug 2000, Jay Strauss wrote:

 Sorry if this has been asked before but I have been unable to find the answer
 (not in perldoc, apache modules book, searching archives):
 I would like my perl compilation and process errors to be written to an HTML
 page if/when they occur, in the same way they are written to stdout when I run
 from the command line.
 I thought that Apache::Debug::dump would do this, am I correct??
 I am unable to make it work though.  I can't seem to find any examples of how to
 use it, perldoc is too brief for my limited skills, the apache modules book
 (eagle) says:
 "The three arguments to dump() are the request object, an error code to return
 to Apache... and an error message..."
 What is a "request object"?
 No matter what I do, all I can produce is that "OK" server error page.  My perl
 code is a simple: give userid, password, database, sql query, connect to my
 database (oracle) and display the results.
 Can someone please give me an example of how to use dump()? Or if you have a
 different suggestion.
 Appended is my simple perl code and HTML error page

Re: using a module to contain settings.

2000-06-23 Thread Craig McLane

You could also export the variables (in which case @EXPORT_OK is
preferable to @EXPORT).  It still needs to be a global variable, but you
won't need to refer to it with a fully qualified name.


On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

 On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Scott Alexander wrote:
  package Mf7::Globals;
  use strict;
  use vars qw($VERSION);
  my (
  $VERSION = '0.01';
  sub Initialize_globals {
  $imgserver = '';
 Okay, this is an easy one.  You are declaring $imgserver as a lexical (my)
 variable.  When Perl finishes executing this file, lexical variables go
 out of scope.  You can fix this by making it a real global like $VERSION,
 either with a use vars or with fully-qualified variable names.  You could
 still use lexicals if you create subroutine closures to provide access to
 them, but I think using globals is simpler.
   Incidentally, the MF site is pretty fast.  Is it running on mod_perl now?
  Yep. Mod_perl and Apache::Registry saved us from having to get a 
  ton of new hardware.
 You should submit something for the "success stories" and "sites running
 mod_perl" pages on  You might get a few free
 clicks for your trouble.
 - Perrin