"Kind-of" PerlSections, and location question

2002-04-15 Thread Daniel W. Burke

I'm wondering if this is possible at all, and if so, how
to accomplish it...

We have an application we're serving by using the same
set of source code, and setting up different 
sections in the virtual host to set different variables
and path aliases based on who the customer is...

But we have clusters of 6 servers in multiple locations,
with more such setups to come, and with the rate of having
to add sites because of new customers and temp sites for
sales demos, it's becoming difficult to manage so many
setups in this fashon, and restarting apache becomes more
and more an unpleasant thing to do with the more end-users
that are hitting it.

What I'd like to do (if even possible!), is have something
like this:

Have a databae table that stores the information for each
setting, then load it dynamically as a request comes in...
mailer dream code:

$ENV{REQUEST_URI} =~ /^\/(.*?)\//;
$base_path = $1;
if (!exists($Location{$base_path})) {
... do database calls to load necessairy information
... and set as if this was a perl section in an
... httpd.conf file.

... then execute as if that location section was always there

If there's a better solution then this, I'm also eager to
hear it :)


Re: "Kind-of" PerlSections, and location question

2002-04-15 Thread Daniel W. Burke

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Steven Lembark wrote:

> > Have a databae table that stores the information for each
> > setting, then load it dynamically as a request comes in...
> > mailer dream code:
> >
> > $ENV{REQUEST_URI} =~ /^\/(.*?)\//;
> > $base_path = $1;
> > if (!exists($Location{$base_path})) {
> > ... do database calls to load necessairy information
> > ... and set as if this was a perl section in an
> > ... httpd.conf file.
> > }
> >
> > ... then execute as if that location section was always there
> >
> Timestamping the database entry for the site might also
> help, since you wouldn't have to re-load the entire thing
> every time the site was hit.

what I'm hoping to be able to do should only have to load the
settings once (the first time a request comes in for that location)
for each process, so I'm not too concerned about database access..

The main question I need answered first is, is this even possible?
