[JOB] (mod_)Perl/Oracle Application Engineer positions in Portland, OR

2001-06-13 Thread Devin Ben-Hur

 ++ Software Engineer Position(s) ++
 ++ The eMarket Group (eMerchandise.com) ++

The eMarket Group (TeG) is a successful entertainment merchandise
retailer.  We focus on online and mail-order sales through our branded
storefront http://www.eMerchandise.com and private-label storefronts
for third party entertainment and media destinations.

TeG is a private, independently financed company located in Portland,
Oregon. We have recently achieved profitability and are growing
rapidly. We have been named as one of the 100 fastest growing companies
in Oregon by the Portland Business Journal.

We currently have two software engineering positions available:


POSITION 1: Application and Interface Engineer

An application engineer working on general maintenance and development
of our back-end systems with a focus on the human interface components
of our internal business systems implemented in Perl  PL/SQL.

Maintain and enhance Oracle Forms based interfaces to back-end system
components (product catalog management, warehouse management system,
customer service and order processing, promotion management,
procurement management).

Evaluate and deploy alternative development framework to replace Oracle
Forms, with desirable attributes being: platform independence,
reliability, flexibility, maintainability.

Evaluate and deploy customer contact management system (email, phone,
chat, and mail contacts managed through consolidated system integrated
with back-end orders and customers database). This may be an
integration of a third party CRM system with our existing system or a
development project to build contact management facilities into our
core system.

Buzzword/acronym compliance:
- un*x (Solaris, Linux, *BSD)
- General relational database, SQL, Oracle
- Oracle PL/SQL
- Oracle Developer Forms and Reports
- General GUI Development
- Perl, Apache/mod_perl


POSITION 2: Application and Integration Engineer

An application engineer working on general maintenance and development
of our back-end systems with a focus on systems integration with our
front-end web services and with external systems such as: freight
manifesting, payment processing, supplier EDI and drop-shipping

Maintain and enhance existing systems in Perl and Oracle PL/SQL.

Evaluate and deploy new integrated freight carrier compliance systems.
Evaluate and deploy new payment processing system integration. Develop
enhanced supply chain management capabilities.

Buzzword/acronym compliance:
- un*x (Solaris, Linux, *BSD)
- General relational database, SQL, Oracle
- Oracle PL/SQL
- Perl
- Apache, mod_perl
- Network protocols


We are looking for smart and experienced people who have solid computer
science and software engineering skills. Experience with the specific
languages and environments listed above is desirable, but not
essential.  Degree desirable, but not nearly as important as experience.

Good benefits, fun and flexible environment, equity participation. TeG
is an equal-opportunity employer.

Send resume or letter to:
 - email (preferred): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - phone: Alice Turtles 503-944-5044

Devin Ben-Hur | President / CTO  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The eMarket Group | eMerchandise.com | http://www.eMerchandise.com
503/944-5044 x228 | 
 Some who do not wander are lost.

Re: GET request size

2000-08-25 Thread Devin Ben-Hur

Alex Menendez wrote:
 is there any limit to the size of a GET request url when it is generated
 from inside a mod_perl module? I have a POST cgi coming in with a bunch of
 data and I would like to turn it into a GET url so I can effectively use
 lookup_uri and run from the Apache::SubRequest class.

The W3C sorta leaves this up to the server.  Here's an excerpt from the
HTTP/1.1 spec ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2616.txt:

   The HTTP protocol does not place any a priori limit on the length of
   a URI. Servers MUST be able to handle the URI of any resource they
   serve, and SHOULD be able to handle URIs of unbounded length if they
   provide GET-based forms that could generate such URIs. A server
   SHOULD return 414 (Request-URI Too Long) status if a URI is longer
   than the server can handle (see section 10.4.15).

  Note: Servers ought to be cautious about depending on URI lengths
  above 255 bytes, because some older client or proxy
  implementations might not properly support these lengths.

So, the answer is, "it depends."

Try yours with a 100K URI and see if it barfs.

 I know GET urls have a size limit when they are initiated from a regular
 web client. Just wondering if the same is true when initiated from the
 server itself as a subrequest.

Nope, the clients may impose a size limit.

Devin Ben-Hur | President / CTO  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The eMarket Group | eMerchandise.com | http://www.eMerchandise.com
503/944-5044 x228 | 
"Put 30 kids in a room with an easel, a computer, and a guitar.
 You'll get one Van Gogh, one Von Neumann, and one Van Halen.
 And 27 burger flippers."-- Damian Conway

Naked in URL (was Re: Templating System)

2000-08-03 Thread Devin Ben-Hur

"Keith G. Murphy" wrote:
 Are there any browsers that do not actually handle the naked ''
 correctly?  I confess that I also missed this, though I do understand
 the reason: the first one's invalid HTML.  It just seems to always work.

Think about this:
 A HREF="/somehandler?email=a%40xyz.comcopy=b%40xyz.com"
 A HREF="/somehandler?email=a%40xyz.comamp;copy=b%40xyz.com"

Is the copy in the first one the HTML entity for the copyright
c-in-circle character or the query string argument seperater followed by
an argument named 'copy'?

Different browsers will make different interpretations depending on how
well they adhere to the HTML spec, their known named entity list, and
how hard they try to "do the right thing" with the erroneous naked

Devin Ben-Hur | President / CTO  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The eMarket Group | eMerchandise.com | http://www.eMerchandise.com
503/944-5044 x228 | 
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
 persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all 
 progress depends on the unreasonable man."  -- George Bernard Shaw

Re: mod_perl vs. FastCGI

2000-06-21 Thread Devin Ben-Hur

Scott Thomason wrote:
 So, given that, here's the question again: why would you choose Apache::Registry 
over FastCGI? I want to be a believer...

First, I don't really recommend Registry, if you're serious about your
system you should use the direct handler interface and not just port a
bunch of crufty old CGI scripts.

Back in 96/97, I built an ecommerce engine using FastCGI  Perl.  Today
my company runs its site on Apache/mod_perl.  Both technologies address
some similar concerns and are designed to reduce execution overhead and
enable persistent application servers to communicate with and modify the
behavior of web servers.

FastCGI is a protocol for a web server to communicate with an
application server over network sockets. It also includes some primitive
process management facility, I believe.

mod_perl is an in-process integration of the Perl interpreter with the
Apache web server.

When I was using FastCGI, mod_perl was relatively immature.  FastCGI
worked but also was suffering from the support abandonment of its
inventor Open Market.  We had to debug several problems with the open
source FastCGI code in our environment and there was relatively little
support.  But we got it to work, and it did work well in production.

When we set out to implement our second generation ecommerce engine, we
re-evaluated and choose to use mod_perl primarily because it had
accumulated a vastly larger user base, resulting in a more mature
environment and far superior support resources.

I still think this is mod_perl's chief advantage over FastCGI.  I've
never worried over-much about porting old CGI scripts to either
environment so can't speak to either technology's efficacy for this use.

FastCGI pros:
  Web-server independant
  Language independant

mod_perl pros:
  Larger user base, more real-world implementations
  More extensive support infrastruction: the guide, this list, etc.
  Extensive library of modular extensions which have been designed 
and tested to be used in the mod_perl environment
  Greater web server integration -- 14 handler hooks for mod_perl:
vs 3 server hooks for FastCGI:

Which one to use should depend on what your needs and experience are.
Properly tuned implementations of either will have very similar
performance and resource utilization characteristics.

Devin Ben-Hur | President / CTO  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The eMarket Group | eMerchandise.com | http://www.eMerchandise.com
503/944-5044 x228 | 
"Forrester Research projects that by 2003, Internet start-ups will have
 focused so relentlessly on infrastructure that there will be no 
 remaining actual content on the Web. "  -- Salon.com 14-Apr-2000

Re: Apache::GzipChain and scalability

2000-05-26 Thread Devin Ben-Hur

Bruce Lo wrote:
 I tried out Apache::GzipChain for dynamic mod_perl pages (using Apache::Registry), 
and it was great for reducing the download time (especially over modem).  I am 
seriously thinking about using it for our production environment.  However, some 
people are concerned about it using up too much resource.  Has anyone looked into 
scalability issues?  Would I see significant reduced throughput using GzipChain?

We've been gzipping for a while at eMerchandise.com (though not using
gzip chain). We addressed this issue by making the gzip pass decide
whether to just pass it through or to do the compression based on
current CPU load on the server.  So when you've got extra cycles you
shrink the file to improve bandwidth utilization, if you're running near
peak processor utilization you send the bytes raw.

We've had no scaling problems. What kind of system load do your
production server(s) see now?  What is it during peak traffic periods?

 Also why don't most sites gzip their pages (do redirect based on browser support)?

Because they're lazy or stupid? :)

Devin Ben-Hur | President / CTO  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The eMarket Group | eMerchandise.com | http://www.eMerchandise.com
503/944-5044 x228 | 
"Forrester Research projects that by 2003, Internet start-ups will have
 focused so relentlessly on infrastructure that there will be no 
 remaining actual content on the Web. "  -- Salon.com 14-Apr-2000

Re: [OT] anchoring regexp

2000-04-10 Thread Devin Ben-Hur

"J. Horner" wrote:
 On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Jason Simms wrote:
  As to your problem, I doubt people can be of much assistance (though we'll
  see) without seeing the regex and sample data.  Perhaps if you resent that??
  In any case, good luck.  And perhaps, stay in touch, or put me on a mailing
  list, or something.  Thanks!

 You have a good point.  Sorry about the lack of code.
 Here is my analyzer_benchmark script that will show you the code.

$ diff first anchored
 sub first {
 sub anchored {
 my $request = join(" ",$method,$uri);

The only difference between your two benchmark subroutines are their
names, and that the anchored one also composes your $request variable. 
Of course anchored will take a little longer -- it has one extra

Devin Ben-Hur | President / CTO  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The eMarket Group | eMerchandise.com | http://www.eMerchandise.com
503/944-5044 x228 | 
"Where do you want to go today?"
   "Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis"
   (The damned and accursed are convicted to the flames of hell)

Re: [OT] anchoring regexp

2000-04-10 Thread Devin Ben-Hur

"J. Horner" wrote:
 Sorry, it is a Monday.  I attached the right file.

Devin Ben-Hur | President / CTO  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The eMarket Group | eMerchandise.com | http://www.eMerchandise.com
503/944-5044 x228 | 
"Where do you want to go today?"
   "Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis"
   (The damned and accursed are convicted to the flames of hell)

Re: [OT] anchoring regexp

2000-04-10 Thread Devin Ben-Hur

"J. Horner" wrote:
 Sorry, it is a Monday.  I attached the right file.

You're problem is that you have toomuch other junk in addition to the
statements you're trying to compare.  Also, the strings you're matching
against are all so short that you wont see much difference between an
anchored and unanchored regex.

If you want to see the timing advantage demonstrated, try something like
this instead:

use Benchmark;

my $iter = 1;
my $listsize = 100;
my @internals = ();

sub make_rand_str (;$) {
my $maxstr = shift || 200;
my $str = '';
for (1 .. int(rand($maxstr)+1)) {
$str .= chr( ord(' ') + int(rand(127-ord(' '))) );
return $str;

for (1 .. $listsize) { push @internals, make_rand_str(); }

sub unanchored { grep { /134\.167/ } @internals; }
sub anchored   { grep { /^134\.167/ } @internals; }

timethese($iter, { unanchored = 'unanchored()', anchored =
'anchored()',  });

Devin Ben-Hur | President / CTO  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The eMarket Group | eMerchandise.com | http://www.eMerchandise.com
503/944-5044 x228 | 
"Where do you want to go today?"
   "Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis"
   (The damned and accursed are convicted to the flames of hell)