Removing entries from @INC?

2000-10-26 Thread Eamon Daly

We've just started using StatINC on our staging server, and it's
slowed things down quite a bit, true to the docs. I've been trying
to pare down @INC with little success. My script begins:

  use Apache ();
  no lib qw(:ALL
  use lib Apache->server_root_relative('lib');

yet scripts running under mod_perl still report:


Note the duplicate entries, plus entries that should have been
deleted altogether. Is there a syntax I'm missing?

Eamon Daly
FastWeb, Inc.
847 568 6410

Bad free() ignored?

2000-09-13 Thread Eamon Daly

We've been using mod_perl/DBI for our entire website for just
under a year now (over 1.5M pages a day-- I owe the mod_perl
folks a hell of a lot of beer), and have suddenly started
seeing a small number of "Bad free() ignored" lines appear in
the error logs. My error trapping gives line numbers, but they
don't point to anything obvious. Has anyone else seen this

perl 5.005_03
mod_perl 1.26
DBI 1.14
DBD::Oracle 1.03
Solaris 7

Eamon Daly
FastWeb, Inc.
847 568 6410

Apache::Request fails for Solaris 2.7/Apache 1.3.12/mod_perl 1.24/perl 5.6?

2000-06-23 Thread Eamon Daly

Subject says it all, really. I've tried building apache+mod_perl
half a dozen ways, with CFLAGS and without, with DSO and with APXS.
I've even tried recompiling perl 5.6 with -Ubincompat5005 and
-Uuselargefiles. Test 2 always seems to fail; test 1 fails only
sometimes. Any suggestions? Any other info I can send?

Failed Test  Status Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of failed

modules/request  101  10.00%  2

Eamon Daly
FastWeb, Inc.
847 568 6410

Bizarre munging of form data

2000-06-20 Thread Eamon Daly

I've just run into the strangest problem I've ever had the
misfortune of coming across. I have a form containing a
number of various fields, including two radio buttons named
"WHO_REGISTERED". Here's the code that parses the data and
puts it into a hash:

sub get_input {
my $apr = Apache::Request->new(shift);
my $inputref = shift;

foreach my $param ( $apr->param ) {
push @{ $inputref->{$param} }, $apr->param($param);

For some reason, sometimes (not always, but /sometimes/)
$param magically comes out as "   _  GISTERED".

Our site has /thousands/ of forms, and it's only this one
variable by this particular name that wigs out like this.
It's the weirdest darn thing. I've put in hack code like:

$param =~ s{^   _  GISTERED$}{WHO_REGISTERED};

above, and everything now seems to work just fine. I just
don't get it.

For completeness, I'll include the relevant HTML block:

Are you a parent filling this profile out for your child?



Maybe I'm just an idiot and am overlooking something
simple. If anyone can catch the problem or suggest ways I
can debug this behavior, I'm all ears.

Eamon Daly
FastWeb, Inc.
847 568 6410