I found a minor installation bug in both modperl v1.99-5.  (The same bug 
also seems to be in the latest modperl-2.0 CVS tree.)

The bug occurs when you try to install modperl 2 with the latest version 
of Apache (2.0.42).  For whatever reason, the Apache folks changed the 
format of the macros in include/ap_release.h between 2.0.40 and 2.0.42.


instead of simply:

  #define AP_SERVER_BASEREVISION "2.0.42"

This breaks the httpd_version method in Apache/Build.pm.

I got around it by simply changing the AP_SERVER_BASEREVISION in 
include/ap_release.h to the latter format.  The "correct" solution depends 
on how stable the macro format will be for future versions of Apache.  If 
it's going to stay the way it is, httpd_version needs to be modified to 
search for other macros as an alternative method for computing the 


+=== Eugene Eric Kim ===== [EMAIL PROTECTED] ===== http://www.eekim.com/ ===+
|       "Writer's block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they        |
+=====  can have an excuse to drink alcohol."  --Steve Martin  ===========+

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