RE: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-07 Thread Eustace, Glen

This has been a really interesting thread.  I would like to contribute my
own experiences as I am currently sitting on both sides of the fence.

In my spare time, what little there is, I operate a web hosting service for
NZ Christian churches, organisations and ministries.  This endeavour also
operates as a ministry and hence comes under some very real constraints, the
biggest being a very low budget.  I can not afford to run top-end servers so
must make the best of fairly modest equipment.  I can not afford to hire
programmers, so I do all the system admin and programming myself. I opted
for Perl as I was reasonably comfortable with it and wanted an environment
where I could build what I needed quickly and it would be relatively easy to
look after.  In the early days, I used to pull my hair out trying to get
each new release of apache and mod_perl running, the problem was usually
compounded by adding SSL.  The arrival of Ralph's mod_ssl and the more
recent apache and mod_perl distributions have helped heaps.

What do I do with mod_perl, at this time it serves 3 purposes 1. It allows
me to use my PostgreSQL database for web authentication (AuthDBI), 2. It
offers database connection persistence, 3. It operates as a CGI accelerator.
I haven't needed to work directly with mod_perl but have some things I would
like to use it for next year.  But my own site is only one of 150 odd on the
server and I am the only one using mod_perl, a couple of sites use PHP, why
?  The simple answer is - I can. It is my environment and I have control
over the whole shooting match, I can fiddle the apache config as necessary,
I can easily add perl .pm's as needed. I am technically competent and used
to working with non-trivial technologies.

I work in the IT department of one of NZ's Universities, I have been here
for years and consequently have watched and been involved with technologies
that have come and gone.  The latest area that our applications people are
working with is using the web to deliver information from and interacting
with our student management system, a large Ingres Database.  The current
application is run as a CGI and is written as a monolithic perl programme.
Simply put, it is a disaster.  The people who wrote it, learned perl as they
went, and being fair to them, it works. Their architecture enabled them to
add functions reasonably quickly, but the application does not scale. They
are not using any database connection persistence at all and multiple
concurrent session very quickly kill the web server, a high-end Compaq
alpha. This application has seen us through the last 12 months but is
hopefully to be replaced.  With what ? Well, it would seem that no amount of
arguing by the systems programmers or myself is going to be successful in
getting them to continue with perl, but in a mod_perl environment.  They are
going to go the Java way, the reasons have all been stated in this thread
before; Market hype, its an expensive solution so it must be good, its a
cool new technology, you can't get good perl programmers, its what is being
used by everyone else, we don't understand mod_perl ( they don't understand
the java solution either ), we can buy the business logic we don't have to
build it ...

I like the perl/mod_perl solution, it works well for me, I believe it is
also an appropriate technology for solving enterprise problems. The biggest
hurdle we have faced in trying to get it considered has been market
perception. If we had been able to find recognised or well-known
enterprise/corporate/large site implementations to use as reference sites,
it might have helped.  To be able to say that site X uses a mod-perl
solution and they are using Ingres/Oracle/Sybase or whatever and getting
umpteen thousand hits a day gives the technology creditability. The
Microsoft and Java marketing machines have given their technologies
credibility (whether they deserve it or not is irrelevant).

The decision has been made, unfortunately, so much of this is now water
under the bridge but a list of reference sites might help others construct
better cases for their management.

Glen Eustace, Systems Engineer - Networking.
Information Technology Services, Turitea, Massey University, Palmerston
North, NZ.
Ph: +64 6 350 5799 x 2707, Fax: +64 6 350 5607

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Followup: mime-type headers

2000-12-04 Thread Eustace, Glen

The foibles of IE and the Win OSes has proven to be beyond me :-(

Thanks to those that offered various solutions, each worked but not on all
combinations of IE version and Win version.

My solution, in the end, has been to generate the PDF to a temporary file,
in the document tree and issue a 'Location:' header back to the browser.
This seems to work in all cases and I clean up the temporary files with a
cron job every hour. Not as elligant a solution as generating data directly
back to the browser but it is better to have something that works.

In one response, it was mentioned that the header 'Window-target:' doesn't
work with IE either, which I was also trying to use.  Other than using
JScript in the calling page, is there anyway to do this with IE that works.

Glen Eustace, Systems Engineer - Networking.
Information Technology Services, Turitea, Massey University, Palmerston
North, NZ.
Ph: +64 6 350 5799 x 2707, Fax: +64 6 350 5607

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RE: mime-type headers

2000-11-30 Thread Eustace, Glen

> Or I think even this may work:
>Content-Disposition: inline; filename=somefile.pdf

This works too.


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RE: mime-type headers

2000-11-30 Thread Eustace, Glen

> I've found ?.pdf to work just as well to fool IE and your artificially 
> created PATH_INFO filename will then stick if a user does a save as.

This is an absolute crock, but it works a treat.

I now have 


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RE: mime-type headers

2000-11-30 Thread Eustace, Glen

> You see, IE is smarter than the web site authors of the world.  It
> insists that the document URL end in an approprate extension to do the
> right thing.  A typical workaround is to just append "/foo.pdf" to
> your URL and let your Apache::Registry script ignore the PATH_INFO
> that is the result of that.

Thanks, I though it was going to be something STUPID, like this.  Is there a
header I can use that will tell IE another file name 'FIlename: xxx.pdf' or

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.Khera Communications, Inc.
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mime-type headers

2000-11-30 Thread Eustace, Glen

This isn't strictly a mod_perl issue but Im hoping someone knows what I am
doing wrong. The code is running under Apache::Registry

I have a series of invoices, stored as postscript files.  I have a page
which allows the client to select a file.  I then run it through 'gs' and
convert it to a PDF using open(). prior to reading the pipe and spitting the
data to the browser, I have output the headers 'content-type:
application/pdf' and 'window-target: Invoice'.

The result is as expected with netscape, on Win32 I get a new window and
netscape has started Acrobat and displays the invoice in the new window.  On
linux, netscape starts a new window but fires up xpdf to actually show the
page. All in all it works pretty well.

But with IE, no go. I have 2 PCs, both with IE5.5 and with acrobat 4 and the
other acrobat 3. On the first, on both I get no new window, a page of
hieroglyphics on the first and on the second I get acrobat started but no
page displayed.

Any clues ?
Glen Eustace, Systems Engineer - Networking.
Information Technology Services, Turitea, Massey University, Palmerston
North, NZ.
Ph: +64 6 350 5799 x 2707, Fax: +64 6 350 5607

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RE: Failure to find function in Apache::SSI using DBI

2000-11-16 Thread Eustace, Glen


Dumb error, never trust a cut and paste. I copied in one two many lines from
the original program.

Failure to find function in Apache::SSI using DBI

2000-11-16 Thread Eustace, Glen

I installed Apache::SSI last night as I needed a quick way of including some
costing info in a page (from my dbase) that already used std SSI.

The install worked fine, my extension seems to be fine but when my code
runs, I get an unexpected error.

[Thu Nov 16 21:45:33 2000] [error] [Thu Nov 16 21:45:33 2000] null: Can't
locate object method "selectrow_array" via package "GodZoneSSI" at
/usr/local/godzone/modperl/ line 27,  chunk 1.

The DBI->connect would appear to work, but perl complains it cannot find the
$dbase->selectrow_array function in my code.

The code is pathetically small.

Startup script for apache

#! /usr/bin/perl
# Preload the packages used by the various .epl scripts.
# The main apache process will compile these into its name space and they
# will therefore be immediately available to the child apache processes.
   use Apache();
   use lib ('/usr/local/godzone/modperl');
use strict;
# Check that the environment is appropriate
   die("GATEWAY_INTERFACE is NOT Perl !!" );
# Common Packages
use Apache::Registry();
use Apache::Constants();
use CGI qw( -compile :all );
use CGI::Carp();
use DBI;
use Apache::DBI();
# That's all folks

My SSI Module
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This module extends the base SSI functionality by adding GodZone
# specific directives.
# Modification History
# 16 Nov 2000   AGE First Written
package GodZoneSSI;
   use DBI();
   use Apache::SSI();
   @ISA = qw( Apache::SSI );
# Resource Cost Lookup
sub ssi_rescost {
   my( $self, $oParm ) = @_;
   my( $oDBase ) = DBI->connect( 'dbi:Pg:dbname=admin', '?', '??' );
   my( $oDBase, $iResCode, $iZone ) = @_;
   my( @iAmount )= $oDBase->selectrow_array( 

Failure to find function in Apache::SSI using DBI

2000-11-16 Thread Eustace, Glen

I installed Apache::SSI last night as I needed a quick way of including some
costing info in a page (from my dbase) that already used std SSI.

The install worked fine, my extension seems to be fine but when my code
runs, I get an unexpected error.

[Thu Nov 16 21:45:33 2000] [error] [Thu Nov 16 21:45:33 2000] null: Can't
locate object method "selectrow_array" via package "GodZoneSSI" at
/usr/local/godzone/modperl/ line 27,  chunk 1.

The DBI->connect would appear to work, but perl complains it cannot find the
$dbase->selectrow_array function in my code.

The code is pathetically small.

Startup script for apache

#! /usr/bin/perl
# Preload the packages used by the various .epl scripts.
# The main apache process will compile these into its name space and they
# will therefore be immediately available to the child apache processes.
   use Apache();
   use lib ('/usr/local/godzone/modperl');
use strict;
# Check that the environment is appropriate
   die("GATEWAY_INTERFACE is NOT Perl !!" );
# Common Packages
use Apache::Registry();
use Apache::Constants();
use CGI qw( -compile :all );
use CGI::Carp();
use DBI;
use Apache::DBI();
# That's all folks

My SSI Module
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This module extends the base SSI functionality by adding GodZone
# specific directives.
# Modification History
# 16 Nov 2000   AGE First Written
package GodZoneSSI;
   use DBI();
   use Apache::SSI();
   @ISA = qw( Apache::SSI );
# Resource Cost Lookup
sub ssi_rescost {
   my( $self, $oParm ) = @_;
   my( $oDBase ) = DBI->connect( 'dbi:Pg:dbname=admin', '?', '??' );
   my( $oDBase, $iResCode, $iZone ) = @_;
   my( @iAmount )= $oDBase->selectrow_array( 

Re: Hooking onto the core

1999-12-02 Thread Eustace, Glen

After trying alot of thing, the following is what I ended up with.  It
allows all of the ENV REDIRECT_* variables to be accessed by the cgi script
and all in all did exactly what I wanted.

Because I didn't get a lot of help from either of my earlier postings, I
assummed that either others had not already done this. My ProxyError.cgi
returns a icely formated page with some useful info to the client.  The cgi
is on the Proxy server and it is the same for every virtual site.

   ServerAlias planning

   Alias /Error /usr/local/massey/
   ErrorDocument 501 /Error/ProxyError.cgi
   ErrorDocument 502 /Error/ProxyError.cgi

   ProxyPass /
   ProxyPassReverse /

Glen Eustace, Systems Engineer - Networking, Computing Services,
Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North, N.Z.
Ph: +64 6 350 5161, Fax: +64 6 350 5607, Mobile +64 25 500 321
Pvt Ph: +64 6 356 2562

RE: Hooking into core

1999-11-07 Thread Eustace, Glen

Once again, I don't seem to have been very successful in describing my
problem.  I'll try again.

I am using mod_proxy, as a reverse proxy, i.e. so that I can push inbound
requests to a bunch of backend servers.  This works great, as most of you
probably already know, until one of the back end servers dies.  Depending on
the error, this is reported back to the client as either a 500 Proxy Error
or 502 Proxy Error, with a little but not much more info.

It is not possible to use the standard ErrorDocument approach as if one
attempts to use a relative URI ( so that one can use the REDIRECT_*
variables ) one gets a loop because the server isn't there ( thats why we
got an error in the first place ).  If one does an absolute URI, one can not
do anything smart with the page displayed.

I would like to be able to do two things
1. When there is no alternative service, display a nice page with
appropriate content.
2. If the same page can be delivered from one of the other servers,
automatically redirect the request to one of them. i.e. don't show the user
an error message at all.

Any suggestions appreciated.
Glen Eustace, Systems Engineer - Networking, Computing Services,
Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North, N.Z.
Ph: +64 6 350 5161, Fax: +64 6 350 5607, Mobile +64 25 500 321
Pvt Ph: +64 6 356 2562

Hooking into core

1999-01-02 Thread Eustace, Glen

I would like to be able to add to or change the way errors are handled.  I
am hoping that is possible to somehow create a routine in perl that I can
get called before or instead of the standard core routine.

I want to be able to construct a page that contains a more user friendly
response.  The errors I particularly need to intercept are the 500 and 502
returned by mod_proxy when an upstream site is unavailable.

ErrorDocument simply does help as none of the REDIRECT_* vars are available
when the redirect is absolute, which it has to be for these errors. 

Glen Eustace, Systems Engineer - Networking, Computing Services,
Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North, N.Z.
Ph: +64 6 350 5161, Fax: +64 6 350 5607, Mobile +64 25 500 321
Pvt Ph: +64 6 356 2562