I'm more than happy to have it renamed to CGI::ASP::Lite 
 I will upload a CGI-ASP-Lite-1.01.tar.gz

And delete the existing one. 

thanks and sorry for any mis-interpretation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Chamas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 4:27 AM
To: Ferguson, Ross
Subject: Apache::ASP::Lite -> CGI::ASP::Lite ( Please )


I believe I already expressed this, but would like to 
revisit that I think Apache::ASP::Lite is not appropriately
named, and detracts from the current Apache::ASP namespace,
which I maintain.

I believe Apache::ASP::Lite should be named CGI::ASP::Lite
because it creates ASP objects for use in perl CGI scripting.  
Further, unlike most Apache::* modules, it does not run under 
mod_perl which is what the Apache::* namespace is for.  It is built
for the CGI model of execution, which Apache does in fact do, but
the Apache::* namespace is misleading in this regard. 

Further, there may be a namespace collision one day as 
Apache::ASP currently relies on a variety of sub Apache::ASP::*
modules to do its dirty work, such as:

> grep ^package src/ASP.pm
package Apache::ASP;
package Apache::ASP::STDERR;
package Apache::ASP::GlobalASA;
package Apache::ASP::Request;
package Apache::ASP::Response;
package Apache::ASP::Server;
package Apache::ASP::Application;
package Apache::ASP::Session;
package Apache::ASP::State;
package Apache::ASP::CGI;
package Apache::ASP::Collection;
package Apache::ASP::CollectionItem;
package Apache::ASP::Load;

What if you wanted to create your own objects as you extend
the framework, or I create a Apache::ASP::Lite for use in 
Apache::ASP ( very possible ).

Again, I beg you to pick another namespace for your work.
Note that it will likely be used by others if more appropriately
named in the CGI::* namespace.



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