Re: Load balancers

2003-01-13 Thread Francesc Guasch Ortiz
John Siracusa wrote:

We've been struggling with load balancers for a while now.  My requirements
are pretty simple. I have a handful of plain and mod_perl apache servers,
So...suggestions?  How are other people handling load balancing?

I have tested pen. It's easy to set up and works fine so far.

The server has only 70k hits/day. I don't know how
will it work under heavy load. The purpose was to keep
working if one server was down.

Pen is a load balancer for simple TCP-based protocols such as HTTP or 
SMTP. It allows several servers to appear as one to the outside. It 
automatically detects servers that are down and distributes clients 
among the available servers. This gives high availability and scalable 

apache dies silently at start with perl-5.6.1 rpm

2002-03-19 Thread Francesc Guasch Ortiz

I'm testing the latest perl rpms from redhat updates:

I'm using HTML::Mason.

When I start apache it just dies silently without complaining
and I got nothing in the logs.

I even tried to remove the former perl and modules. I rpmed -e
a lot of things. Then I removed the perl5 dirs and I installed
perl and modules. That didn't worked.

When I asked in the Mason list I was told it was a modperl issue.

How can I debug what's happening ?

I've also noticed the cpan binaries aren't seeing well the
modules installed. When I do
cpan install Bundle::CPAN

it starts downloading the perl-5.6.1 sources.

I made sure there are no other perl file binaries nor cpan
from other installations.

What can I do ?

Re: apache dies silently at start with perl-5.6.1 rpm

2002-03-19 Thread Francesc Guasch Ortiz

Nicolai Schlenzig (DXD) escribió:
 Are you using the mason-handler supplied with Mason? Or did you extend it already?
I have my own

 You could try to make a very minimized mason-handler and see what that

The minimal still won't work. I can launch apache
if I remove the perlrequire.

 Also it could be worth looking into installing only HTML::Mason and not the Bundle. 
Maybe a few 

I have not installed the bundle.

It looks like perl-5.6.1 rpms won't work with HTML::Mason.
I'm going to compile my own perl. I think if I do:

sh ./Configure -de -Dprefix=/usr

will overwrite the rpm perl.

  I'm testing the latest perl rpms from redhat updates:
  I'm using HTML::Mason.
  When I start apache it just dies silently without complaining
  and I got nothing in the logs.

Re: apache dies silently at start with perl-5.6.1 rpm

2002-03-19 Thread Francesc Guasch Ortiz

Kurt Hansen escribió:
 Did you see this message from the Mason list? If so, did this solution not work
 for you?

I installed an old Data::Dumper: Data-Dumper-2.101
Right now I have a compiled perl-5.6.1 and these apache-1.3.22-2 rpm.

Now I can start apache with the mason handler, but as soon
as I add some DBI module in the, it doesn't work:

{  package HTML::Mason::Commands;
use DBI;
