Hi All

I've successfully configured Apache on Win2k. One of the sites I host uses a
lot of perl so mod_perl was an obvious addition.
I know nothing about perl but I'm pretty sure mod_perl is installed and
running correctly except for being able to reference the correct
directories. When I access a .pl page I get a 500 internal server error
returned and the error log shows this:

[Sat Jun 30 15:30:08 2001] [error] Can't locate HTMLfile.pm in @INC (@INC
contains: .. powershift D:/Perl/lib D:/Perl/site/lib . c:/apache
group/apache/ c:/apache group/apache/lib/perl) at
d:/mmwebs/ps/scripts/powershift/veh_sup/approved-vehicles.pl line 31.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
d:/mmwebs/ps/scripts/powershift/veh_sup/approved-vehicles.pl line 31.

I've added the module and directory directives in the httpd.conf file and if
I move the HTMLfile.pm (and a bunch of other .pm files) into
D:/Perl/site/lib the scripts run correctly. Unfortunately the scripts
eventually reference other files that can longer be found because the .pm
files have moved. Also, moving the files is far from ideal for ftp access

Shouldn't the scripts be looking in the directory they were run from as they
did before mod_perl? Does anyone know if this is a mod_perl configuration
issue or do the perl scripts need some additions to be mod_perl compatible?

Any help, thoughts, advice or head ache tablets most appreciated :-)



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