----- Original Message -----
From: Hans Juergen von Lengerke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, March 25, 2002 4:20 pm
Subject: [OT] Replacing reverse squid with mod_proxy

> Now I'm left with two choices: give up or try harder :-)
> Before I decide for one of them I thought I'd ask on the lists (sorry
> for the x-post) to see if the above numbers (80 Hits/Second) are 
> in fact
> feasible with apache/mod_proxy on one box. Are there any benchmarks
> around? Does someone have a similar setup and how many requests 
> can they
> serve?  Should I up MaxClients any further? Will I get better results
> using a newer version of apache? Or should I give up and stick with
> squid?

before giving up you should try 1.3.24 out of March 21 with a re-worked code for 
mod_proxy; regarding benchmarks I remember a comparison with the tux kernel server, 
iis5 and apache and more than 500 hits/sec for the last two was beaten by tux with a 
factor 3.
Should be enough for your purpose
_ ___
|  |  Irmund    Thum
|  | 

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