That is what I did for our site. We have a members only section that
allows them to have web access to some configurable pieces of their
services. We store their encrypted account password as a column in the
table that hold account info. When they try to access the protected area,
the module steps in a prints out a form for authentication. It takes in
its stuff and compares it to what it should be as returned by the db and
either rejectes them or assigns them a cookie with a random token that is
also stored in the db. If they try to access the area and the module sees
that they have such a cookie it tests the token to see if its still valid
and the process behaves pretty seamlessly. Its also a good method cause
you can add alot of proprietary type functions for extra security,
tracking, etc. Unfortunately I do not have a test account that you could
examine the interface through. If you need any help or have any questions,
I may be able to provide assistance though.

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, James G Smith wrote:

> Clifford Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I have a static site now where users can create new sites (user home
> >directories) very easily, but the growth is going to kill me and my
> >filesystem (to many subdirectories).
> >
> >I would like to build a 100% DB contained web site.  Meaning all users home
> >directories, files etc.. exists within a database.  Any examples or places
> >to look would be greatly appreciated.  
> >
> >The areas I'm having conceptual trouble with is mainly the *.conf files. 
> >How do I accomplish the same actions as below with a static conf file?
> >(without restarting the server every time a new user is added)
> I would write my own PerlAcessHandler and PerlAuthenHandler that would base 
> its authentication/authorization on the URL.  If you needed further 
> customization of the authentication/authorization, you could tie your module's 
> configuration to the user in the database.
> Implementation is left as an exercise to the reader.
> -- 
> James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 409-862-3725
> Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

 "I keep banging my head on things," Tom said, bashfully.
Jon J - Web Development for Shore.Net
Phone:  781 593-3110 x156

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