Re: Problem Installing mod_perl + mod_ssl in Solaris 8 - Please H elp !

2002-04-18 Thread Mark P. Fister

On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 10:19:09AM -0700, Fernando Munoz wrote:
> Thanks for your input Stas. I followed (step-by-step) the installation
> suggested in the guide and I ended with the same message after ..
> # perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 \
> DO_HTTPD=1 SSL_BASE=/usr/local/ssl \
> APACHE_PREFIX=/usr/local/apachessl \
> APACHE_SRC=../apache_x.x.x/src \
> APACI_ARGS='--enable-module=ssl,--enable-module=rewrite'
> .
> .
> .
> # make && make test && make install
> .
> .
> .
> ./gen_test_char >test_char.h
> ./gen_test_char: fatal: open failed: No such file
> or directory
> *** Error code 137
> make: Fatal error: Command failed for target 'test_char.h'
> Current working directory /Repository/apache_1.3.24/src/main
> *** Error code 1
> make: Fatal error: Command failed for target 'subdirs'
> Current working directory /Repository/apache_1.3.24/src
> *** Error code 1
> make: Fatal error: Command failed for target 'build-std'
> Current working directory /Repository/apache_1.3.24
> *** Error code 1
> make: Fatal error: Command failed for target 'build'
> Current working directory /Repository/apache_1.3.24
> *** Error code 1
> make: Fatal error: Command failed for target 'apaci_httpd'
> I'm new with Solaris and it's starting to frustrate me. BTW I'm using
> binutils-2.11.2.
> Thanks for any help.

I had this problem last week.  If you *HAVE* on your
system (which I assume you do, since you are using --enable-module=ssl),
you need to make sure that ldconfig sets up your system's dynamic
library paths properly or that your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
has the correct directory in it.  Go for the former, I'd say, but in my
case, I merely did this:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib

And everything worked, because libssl had been previously installed with
a prefix of /usr/local.

\_/} Mark P. Fister Java, Java, everywhere, and all\_/}
\_/} eBay, Inc. the cups did shrink; Java, Java\_/}
\_/} Austin, TX everywhere, nor any drop to drink! \_/}

Re: Challenging things to do: SIGSEGV catcher and backtrace extractor

2002-04-11 Thread Mark P. Fister

On Thu, Apr 11, 2002 at 05:21:24PM -0400, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> > Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 00:24:11 +0800
> > From: Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Challenging things to do: SIGSEGV catcher and backtrace extractor
> > Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > A few moons ago we have discussed on the dev list a tool for automatic
> > segfault detection (including multiple segfaults during 'make test') and
> > core backtrace generation. I'm quite frankly tired of explaining again
> > and again that we need a core file backtrace, how to get the core file
> > dumped and generating trace (no offense, just facts). I'm sure there is
> > a better way to do. If we can automate this process, like many other
> > apps do (e.g. gnome/kde apps) this will save us a lot of traffic on the
> > list and frustration on users' behalf and make us all happier.
> While I can't step up to the plate to help on development because I am still working 
> core file, I can second the motion.  The frustration in getting a good working core 
>file to trace
> has been enormous and I am neither a newbie nor someone who gives up easily.
> Regards,

# whoami
# chmod 777 /

The above is necessary in certain scenarios in order to get a core file
from httpd.  If you're still not getting a core file (in the / directory),
check your shell process's core file limit (see the "ulimit" or "limit"
section of your favorite shell's man page on how to change this).

\_/} Mark P. Fister Java, Java, everywhere, and all\_/}
\_/} eBay, Inc. the cups did shrink; Java, Java\_/}
\_/} Austin, TX everywhere, nor any drop to drink! \_/}

Re: Can't locate TIEHASH Apache::Session::Oracle

2002-03-11 Thread Mark P. Fister

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 02:08:10PM -0800, Brian Lavender wrote:
> I am trying to test the Apache::Session::Oracle
> Here is the error I am getting. What is wrong? I was able to
> successfully install and test Apache::Session which tested 
> Apache::Session::Oracle
> This is the error.
> [Mon Mar 11 14:01:23 2002] [error] Can't locate object method "TIEHASH" via package 
>"Apache::Session::Oracle" at /opt/apache/perl/example.perl line 33.
> This is the code I am testing.
> use strict;
> use Apache;
> use CGI;
> use Apache::Session::File;

use Apache::Session::Oracle;

> my $db_user = 'user';
> my $db_pass = 'pass';
> my $r = Apache->request();
> $r->status(200);
> $r->content_type("text/html");
> my $session_id = $r->path_info();
> $session_id =~ s/^\///;
> $session_id = $session_id ? $session_id : undef;
> my %session;
> tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Oracle', $session_id, {
>DataSource => 'dbi:Oracle:sgum',
>UserName   => $db_user,
>Password   => $db_pass,
>Commit => 1
>   };
> my $input = CGI::param('input');
> $session{name} = $input if $input;
> print<<__EOS__;
> Hello
> Session ID number is: $session{_session_id}
> The Session ID is embedded in the URL
> Your input to the form was: $input
> Your name is $session{name}
> http://penguin:8080/perl/example.perl/$session{_session_id}";>Reload this 
> http://penguin:8080/perl/example.perl";>New session
> http://penguin:8080/perl/example.perl/$session{_session_id}"; 
>   Type in your name here:
> __EOS__
> -- 
> Brian Lavender

\_/} Mark P. Fister Java, Java, everywhere, and all\_/}
\_/} eBay, Inc. the cups did shrink; Java, Java\_/}
\_/} Austin, TX everywhere, nor any drop to drink! \_/}

Re: [QUESTION][BUG] apache dies with SIGSEGV

2002-02-26 Thread Mark P. Fister

On Tue, Feb 26, 2002 at 11:36:39AM +0100, gaston wrote:
> Hi list
> I wrote a small perl module using perl/Expat for parsing XML-files. 
> With apache 1.3.19 and perl 5.6.0 and Expat 2.27 it works fine. 
> In my new configuration (apache 1.3.20, perl 5.6.1 and Expat 2.30) 
> apache dies with an SIGSEGV on loading.
> The error occured during the function call ParseStream() in
> When i checked the core file with gdb i get this:

Scope this:

So try switching to Apache 1.3.23 (the latest)?

Hope this helps! :)

\_/} Mark P. Fister Java, Java, everywhere, and all\_/}
\_/} eBay, Inc. the cups did shrink; Java, Java\_/}
\_/} Austin, TX everywhere, nor any drop to drink! \_/}

[Q] SIGSEGV After fork()

2002-02-06 Thread Mark P. Fister


*** stderr of parent Apache process:

perl_parse args: '/dev/null' ...allocating perl interpreter...ok
constructing perl interpreter...ok
running perl interpreter...ok
mod_perl: 0 END blocks encountered during server startup
loading perl module 'Apache'...loading perl module 'Apache::Constants::Exports'...ok
mod_perl: calling perl_startup()
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'AMPRPC::Server'
pushing `AMPRPC::Server' into `PerlHandler' handlers
init `PerlChildInitHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlChildInitHandler, 'AMPRPC::Server::handle_init'
pushing `AMPRPC::Server::handle_init' into `PerlChildInitHandler' handlers
init `PerlChildExitHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlChildExitHandler, 'AMPRPC::Server::handle_exit'
pushing `AMPRPC::Server::handle_exit' into `PerlChildExitHandler' handlers
init `PerlTransHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlTransHandler, 'ApacheRequestWatcher::start'
pushing `ApacheRequestWatcher::start' into `PerlTransHandler' handlers
init `PerlLogHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlLogHandler, 'ApacheRequestWatcher::stop'
pushing `ApacheRequestWatcher::stop' into `PerlLogHandler' handlers
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`LC_ALL'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`NLS_LANG'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`DN_RELBASE'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`PERL5LIB'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`SQUID_PORT'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`DBG'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`UID'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`USER'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`CONFIG_FILE'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`ORACLE_HOME'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`LD_LIBRARY_PATH'
perl_cmd_pass_env: arg=`PATH'
PerlRequire: arg=`AMPRPC/'
attempting to require `AMPRPC/'
I will use localhost:11222 to reach CCS server
I will use localhost:10222 to reach IMGSUBMIT server
I will use product_au:ulist/tsilu ( to reach ORACLE server
init `PerlHandler' stack
perl_cmd_push_handlers: @PerlHandler, 'Apache::Status'
pushing `Apache::Status' into `PerlHandler' handlers

*** stderr once error_log is stderr:

loading perl module 'Apache'...ok
perl_startup: perl aleady running...ok
cleanup_sv: SvREFCNT(0x8128804)==1
cleanup_sv: SvREFCNT(0x80aa590)==1
cleanup_sv: SvREFCNT(0x80aa4e8)==1
cleanup_sv: SvREFCNT(0x80aa758)==1
cleanup_sv: SvREFCNT(0x80aa770)==1
cleanup_sv: SvREFCNT(0x811b328)==1
Time::HiRes dl handle == 0x812d118
POSIX dl handle == 0x813e3d8
Fcntl dl handle == 0x8231f08
Storable dl handle == 0x8221c18
HTMunger dl handle == 0x8235ed8
Data::Dumper dl handle == 0x825dbd0
Sys::Hostname dl handle == 0x8273a28
IO dl handle == 0x82909c0
DBI dl handle == 0x836e4f0
Image::Magick dl handle == 0x87c4ca8
MD5 dl handle == 0x87f3008
DBD::Oracle dl handle == 0x8cab508
running 3 END blocks for perl_shutdown
destructing and freeing Perl interpreter (level=2)...

\_/} Mark P. Fister Java, Java, everywhere, and all\_/}
\_/} eBay, Inc. the cups did shrink; Java, Java\_/}
\_/} Austin, TX everywhere, nor any drop to drink! \_/}