Re: form upload limit

2001-12-13 Thread Monika

 I didn't find anywhere in Net how much is browser form upload limit
 (with POST) and how much is Apache's default form data access(input)
 limit. If anyone knows where I can find this data i'd be grateful.

Apache's default is 75 and it's under the directive 
LimitRequestBody 75

From my expirience, it is the lower boud of the size limit (that is Apache
size limit seems to overwrite size limit from POST_MAX)

As far as POST_MAX... I was using CGI::POST_MAX=1024*100, which would set the
max size to 100 kb.
It's also defind in

hope this helps,

 I tested this form upload with large text and in my case only 64K went
 thru (ended up in MySQL). I saw in Apache homepage, that I could define
 POST_MAX like this:
my $apr = Apache::Request-new($r, POST_MAX = 1024);
 Err, is this 1024 bytes or kbytes?
 (OT - Perl basics question) Right now I define $apr this way:
 $apr = Apache::Request-new( $r-is_main ? $r : $r-main );
 Now how I tell $apr that its POST_MAX = 1024?

file upload size and malformed header

2000-10-03 Thread Monika Soroczynska


We're trying to write a CGI script to upload pdf fils, at slash site 
at We can get it to accept files, however, when we start 
trying to upload larger files, we run into trouble.  The first roadblock 
occured inexplicably at 75k.  Any files uploaded larger than 75k were 
rejected with a "Malformed header" error in the httpd error log.

Next we tried playing around with the $CGI::POST_MAX variable, and
we were able to get up to about 300k that way, but even if $CGI::POST_MAX
is set to 1 Mb, any attempt to upload a file larger than ~300k results
in a malformed header message *and* a message about resetting the maximum
upload size to 75k!?  We have since wrote "stripped down" versions
of the script to see if the problem is in slash, mod_perl, or apache
(even running a script on one of our other webservers that does not
have mod_perl running on it, and it worked fine).  As far as we can
tell, it looks like the problem might be in mod_perl somewhere, but we 
have not been able to track it down.  Has anyone seen this, or have any
suggestion about what to try next?

We're running Apache 1.3.12 with mod_perl 1.24. and slash-1.0.8

Monika Soroczynska

Static link mod_perl error

1999-12-09 Thread Monika Machado

Hello List members,

I have the following system:
Redhat 6.1
Perl version 5.005_03 built for i686-linux (no RPM)
Apache_1.3.9 (no RPM)
mod_perl-1.21 (no RPM)

My problem is the following:
If I build mod_perl to be dinamically loaded it works fine, but I want
mod_perl to be static linked to apache and all the other modules to be
dinamic linked, so the results are:
[webuser@here /]$ /usr/apache/bin/httpd -l
Compiled-in modules:

The error comes here:

[webuser@here /]$ /usr/apache/bin/apachectl start
Syntax error on line 3 of /usr/apache/conf/perl.conf:
Invalid command 'PerlRequire', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
module not included in the server configuration
/usr/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

The very extrange thing is if I do:
[webuser@here /]# /usr/apache/bin/httpd -L | grep PerlRequire
  this directive is deprecated, use `PerlRequire'
PerlRequire (mod_perl.c)

It seems to be included.

Ah! If I compile all the apache modules static the static mod_perl
seems to work fine, so without doing very fast conclusions it is any
other module requiered to be staticly linked together with mod_perl??

Any answer can be really apreciated.

M. Machado