I have a problem I can't seem to track down, showing up in our logs is:
Out of memory!
Callback called exit.

Typically there are two or three of these right after one another.
Depending on server load they show up every 15min. to an hour.

I followed the guidelines for allocating an emergency memory pool in the
guide and using Apache::Debug but I wasn't able to get any information
out of it. The biggest problem is that I cannot seem to reproduce the
error. I parsed the URL's out of the access log and ran all of the
requests against our staging server, the error never appeared.

Webservers are behind a load balancer, running Apache 1.3.23/mod_proxy
proxying requests to mod_perl (Apache 1.3.23/mod_perl 1.26) server
running on the localhost.

This is all running on FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE. There's plenty of free
memory, I also turned on process accounting and never saw a mod_perl
httpd grow above 31mb. The load average on the boxes never gets above

Is there anyway to have the parent apache process log all
creations/exits of the children? This way I could setup an access log
with the PID of each child and then trace back all requests served after
it's death.

Any help greatly appreciated.

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