.htacess security

2000-08-03 Thread Rob Giseburt

Are .htaccess files secure?  I don't want users to be able to use
perl.../perl sections or any other mod_perl constructs (setting scripts
to run via the Registry, for example) in .htaccess files.  However, I need
.htaccess files turned on so users can password protect directories
site-wide (so I can't shut .htaccess files off completely.)

Is there any need to worry? I can't have users writing any code that will be
executed by the primary httpd process ... all user CGI execution is done via
mod_cgi and SuEXEC.

-Rob Giseburt

Random Quote:
 "When the chips are down, the buffalo is empty."
 (author unknown)

Re: .htacess security

2000-08-03 Thread Rob Giseburt

On 8/3/2000 9:54 AM, Erich L. Markert at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Damn good question...
 I know the default apache config has a rule that prevents .htaccess
 files from being accessed via a URL but not from within an embedded.
 One way around this would be to use a database to handle accounts and
 use Apache::AuthDBI and then place directory access restrictions in your

I'd like to avoid that approach if at all possible. I want the users to have
a 'standard apache interface' experience ... where the way to add/remove
passwords to a directory is via .htaccess.

But, a web-interface to directory access might look better...

One extra question: Can I turn on mod_perl SSI and have normal SSI calls at
the same time? In other words, can I have one page (file.pshtml maybe)
parsed by perl-extended SSI and another (file.shtml) be parsed by normal
(without perl, mod_ssi?) SSI?

 -Rob Giseburt

 Random Quote:
  "Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."
  (author unknown)

User directive

2000-08-01 Thread Rob Giseburt

I want to modify the User cofiguration directive in a perl handler ... for
example in a PerlTransHandler. I'm trying to use mod_perl to implement Named
Virtual Hosting, and I have everything I need done except User and Group
mapping so that SuEXEC will pick up the correct user and group to setuid the
non-mod_perl CGI execution to. I cannot find what variable to change. I know
that in a Perl.../Perl section it's simple $User, but in a
PerlTransHandler context it seems you can only view it via $r-server-uid.
Any suggestions?

-Rob Giseburt

Random Quote:
 "He who laughs last, thinks slowest."
 (author unknown)