Re: Sharing memory between Apache processes

2000-04-04 Thread Roger Grayson

Flemming Mahler Larsen wrote:
 We've been moving several small "CGI powered sites" to mod_perl and the
 results has been quite terrific. Based on this we're about to move our
 first large (large in size and heavy traffic) site from an Oracle
 Application Server to mod_perl. We're using our own custom
 "HTML::Template"-like module and reading all templates in to the memory
 during the server start-up (these are placed in a hash structure in a
 "project-speciffic"-module name space).
 It seems as this has the effect that each server process keeps its own
 copy of the templates. I would like to avoid this by using some sort of
 shared memory between the server processes. Does any of you have any
 experience in this field (or even better examples of how to do it)?
 Flemming Mahler Larsen, Tele Danmark Internet // +45 3917 9013

Check  HTML::Template - it has a IPC shared cache feature implemented with 
Roger Grayson - Software Developer
Physical Verification Runset Center
System-on-a-chip Design Technology - Motorola, Inc. - Austin TX
Phone#(work): (512)996-7302 

Re: authenticated user

2000-04-04 Thread Roger Grayson

Adam Gotheridge wrote:
 How do I get the username someone entered in a http authentication prompt?
 I got authDBI working, but I can't figure out hot to access the user name which
 was passed so that I can use it in further sql-dml statements.

sub handler {
   my $r = shift;
   my $user_id = $r-connection-user;
Roger Grayson - Software Developer
Physical Verification Runset Center
System-on-a-chip Design Technology - Motorola, Inc. - Austin TX
Phone#(work): (512)996-7302 

Re: File upload bug in libapreq

2000-01-11 Thread Roger Grayson

I encountered this a month or so ago and took the easy way out by using instead 
of libapreq in my file upload script. 

This probably doesn't help, but I only noticed the problem on big file uploads (10+ 
megs) The initial effect was huge - the size of the process that handled the upload 
jumped from ~8meg to up over 100
meg after uploading a ~10 meg file. After the initial jump in process size, other file 
uploads done on the same httpd process continued to swell the process but at a 
tapering rate.

Jim Winstead wrote:
 There appears to be a file upload bug in libapreq that causes httpd
 processes to spin out of control. There's a mention of this in the
 mailing list archives with a patch that seems to be a partial
 solution, but we're still seeing problems even with the patch I've
 attached. They appear to get stuck in the strstr() call.
 Anyone tracked this one down before? We haven't had any real luck
 figuring out what triggers the condition that sends things into a
 tail-spin, and I admittedly haven't crawled through the code too
 carefully to see what could be going wrong.

Name: patch-fix_upload_bug
patch-fix_upload_bugType: Plain Text (text/plain)
Encoding: 7bit

Roger Grayson - Software Engineer
Physical Verification Runset Center
System-on-a-chip Design Technology - Motorola, Inc. - Austin TX
Phone#(work): (512)996-7302 