AuthcNDS module - some feedback please.

1999-11-30 Thread Scott Fagg

I have cobbled together a working AuthcNDS module that allows me to authenticate users 
against the netware NDS tree within our office. 

My apache server is running on a RH5.2 box with some of the Caldera netware RPMs 
Server Version: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) mod_fastcgi/2.2.2 PHP/3.0.12 mod_perl/1.21

The module doesn't communicate directly with the NDS, but instead uses a command line 
tool (nwlogin) to do the password checking. Unfortunately spawning that process is 
rather time consuming so once the user is authenticated, the module sets a cookie 
based on the username, IP, a 'secret' and MD5 hashes it. 

The module, when asked to authenticate a user, first checks for that cookie. If it 
doesn't exist, it then goes to the NDS.

I used one of the Apache auth-cookie modules as a starting point.

I need to fix up the spawning of the nwlogin process as i think the users password 
would be visible in the output from 'ps auxw'. Perhaps i should pipe the password to 
nwlogin instead of passing it as a command line arguement.

Any other suggestions for tidying it up? Have i made any glaring mistakes? (this is my 
first mod_perl effort)

Unfortunately it is not self contained and is reliant upon the nwlogin tool that comes 
with the Caldera RPMs.

package Apache::AuthcNDS;
# file: Apache/
# performs authentication against the NDS and makes use of cookies to cache
# authentication info so that we dont have to reauth for every single hit
# which can be quite time consuming as the auth process requires the use of
# an external shell program.

use strict;
use MD5;
use CGI::Cookie;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

my $r;

sub handler 
$r = shift;
my ($cookie , $user, $auth_cookie , $authstring, $md5check, $newcookie , 

my ($res, $sent_pw) = $r->get_basic_auth_pw;
return $res if $res != OK; 

$user = $r->connection->user;

# the secret is the only bit of text not derived from the user
# this stops them from creating a fake cookie ( i hope )

my $secret = 'elegiac';

# search thru the cookies for ours...
# if our cookie shows up, they must have already authenticated
# if so i can avoid the expensive NDS lookup

($auth_cookie) = ( ($r->header_in("Cookie") || "") =~ /Auth_NDS_ID=([^;]+)/);

if ($auth_cookie) 
$md5check = join('-', $user , &MakeHash($user , $r->auth_type , 
$r->auth_name , $secret));

if ($md5check eq $auth_cookie)
{ return OK; }

# failing that we have to actually check their credentials
# against the NDS

if (!&auth_nds ( $user , $sent_pw )) 
# authentication failed !
# log that and clear the cookie on the users machine
$r->log_reason("Authentication of [$user] against NDS 
failed.", $r->filename);
$r->err_headers_out->{'Set-Cookie'}  = "Auth_NDS_ID=";
# authentication succeeded, so let them know, and set the 
cookie for future reference

$cookie_text = join('-', $user , &MakeHash($user , 
$r->auth_type , $r->auth_name , $secret));
$newcookie = new CGI::Cookie(-name => 'Auth_NDS_ID',
-value => $cookie_text);

$r->err_headers_out->{'Set-Cookie'}  = $newcookie;
return OK;

# make up the hash to be placed in the cookie (hash cookies? ;)
sub MakeHash()

my ($u , $at , $an , $d) = @_;

my $authstring = $u . $at . $an . $d;

return MD5->hexhash($authstring)

# check the username and password against the NDS
sub auth_nds()
my ($user_abs , $current, $authenticated);

my ($user,$pass) = @_;

# dont process if username or password is blank 
if (!$user || !$pass) { return 0;}

# check to see if someone else is logged in

$current = `nwwhoami`;

# if someone else is currently logged in then note that and wait 1 
if ($current) { $r->log_reason ("someone already logged in. sleeping 
for 1s." , $r->filename) ; sleep 1; }


apache + mod_perl -> build error "unrecognized formatspecifier for" A fix?

1999-11-25 Thread Scott Fagg

I'm using apache 1.3.9 , mod_fastcgi 2.2.2 and mod_perl 1.21

Originally my build of these three together worked, however when i went to rebuild a 
few months later i recieved a lot of
"unrecognized format specifier" errors. A search of the internet showed that i wasn't 
the only one but i couldn't find a solution mentioned.

Puzzled i tried to track down the problem. Using clean source i could build 
apache/mod_perl/mod_fastcgi on my RedHat 5.2 workstation but never on my RedHat 5.2 

The only tinkering i'd done with the server was to use SFIO to rebuild perl and get 
mod_fastcgi working the first time i used fastcgi.

By removing the SFIO .h files, the apache/mod_perl compile would get further and the 
'unrecognized format specifier' errors disappeared, but naturally other pieces of code 
refused to compile complaining about the missing sfio files.

A quick check of the mod_fast site noted that it no longer needed SFIO, so i removed 
it and replaced my rebuilt sfio-perl binaries with clean ones (from a redhat RPM) and 
was able to rebuild apache with mod_perl + mod_fastcgi ( + php) All of my mod_perl 
stuff works and so too does my fastcgi.

Hope that helps some one. I wasn't able to find any answers to the problem while 
searching the net.
