Re: Help with Apache::ASP!

2001-03-28 Thread Sean Coyle


One more thing to note...  I get the exact same output even if I turn
off the Directory options in either of the two httpd.conf areas I have

Have any ideas on what I am missing?




I am not entirely sure that is the issue here.  Just to cover off all
the bases, I am familiar with the FAQ, and several others.  However, it is
actually not unparsed ASP that I am viewing in the browser output, but
seemingly partially parsed output.

Within one of my VirtualHost directives I have this enabled (tried
enabled/disabled, and made no difference):

DocumentRoot /home/httpd/www/omail
ServerPath /omail
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/cgi-bin/"

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All

CustomLog /var/log/httpd/mailadmin_log common

I have even gone so far as to enable that as a global (as you can see from
the example below:

Options FollowSymLinks
#AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All

In case anyone is wondering, I am performing an apachectl restart after each
httpd.conf change, and making sure to clear browser cache before attempting
a reload on the page.  Basically, everything I have tried has failed
miserably..  (lol)

The exact contents can be found at this is
the eg directory that comes with Apache-ASP-2.09  (oh, and I have tried 2.07
as well with the same amount of success.

Any ideas anyone?  BTW, I am not a list member, so please send all replies
CC'd to me, thanks.


On 3/28/01 5:13 PM, "Joshua Chamas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sean Coyle wrote:
>> Alright guys, do I have an interesting question:
>> Let us start with the output that ends up in the browser, if I try and load
>> the ./eg/index.htm page:
>> --
>> #!/usr/local/bin/perl5 asp
>> --
>> Then the output to browser when I load the ./eg/index.html page:
>> --
>> #!/usr/local/bin/perl5 asp <= $#keys; $i++) { if($i < $half) { push(@col1,
>> $keys[$i]); } else { push(@col2, $keys[$i]); } } $Response->Debug('col1',
> This is an FAQ ( you are not alone! ), check out:
> --Josh
> _
> Joshua ChamasChamas Enterprises Inc.
> NodeWorks >> free web link monitoringHuntington Beach, CA  USA
> http://www.nodeworks.com1-714-625-4051

Re: Help with Apache::ASP!

2001-03-28 Thread Sean Coyle


I am not entirely sure that is the issue here.  Just to cover off all
the bases, I am familiar with the FAQ, and several others.  However, it is
actually not unparsed ASP that I am viewing in the browser output, but
seemingly partially parsed output.

Within one of my VirtualHost directives I have this enabled (tried
enabled/disabled, and made no difference):

DocumentRoot /home/httpd/www/omail
ServerPath /omail
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/usr/local/cgi-bin/"

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All

CustomLog /var/log/httpd/mailadmin_log common

I have even gone so far as to enable that as a global (as you can see from
the example below:

Options FollowSymLinks
#AllowOverride None
AllowOverride All

In case anyone is wondering, I am performing an apachectl restart after each
httpd.conf change, and making sure to clear browser cache before attempting
a reload on the page.  Basically, everything I have tried has failed
miserably..  (lol)

The exact contents can be found at this is
the eg directory that comes with Apache-ASP-2.09  (oh, and I have tried 2.07
as well with the same amount of success.

Any ideas anyone?  BTW, I am not a list member, so please send all replies
CC'd to me, thanks.


On 3/28/01 5:13 PM, "Joshua Chamas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sean Coyle wrote:
>> Alright guys, do I have an interesting question:
>> Let us start with the output that ends up in the browser, if I try and load
>> the ./eg/index.htm page:
>> --
>> #!/usr/local/bin/perl5 asp
>> --
>> Then the output to browser when I load the ./eg/index.html page:
>> --
>> #!/usr/local/bin/perl5 asp <= $#keys; $i++) { if($i < $half) { push(@col1,
>> $keys[$i]); } else { push(@col2, $keys[$i]); } } $Response->Debug('col1',
> This is an FAQ ( you are not alone! ), check out:
> --Josh
> _
> Joshua ChamasChamas Enterprises Inc.
> NodeWorks >> free web link monitoringHuntington Beach, CA  USA
> http://www.nodeworks.com1-714-625-4051

Help with Apache::ASP (new Information)

2001-03-28 Thread Sean Coyle

Well, I did the Apache::ASP instal again from the straigh .tar.gz file and
this is the output that I get from the install (usless information has been
removed where ever you see "~~").  So what does it mean when the tests
say "Can't call method "FETCH" on an undefined value at
blib/lib/Apache/"? :

Apache-ASP-2.09/~~ Going to build C/CH/CHAMAS/Apache-ASP-2.09.tar.gz

Checking for the prerequisite modules...
 ... found Apache !
 ... found Carp !
 ... found Data::Dumper !
 ... found Fcntl !
 ... found HTTP::Date !
 ... found MD5 !
 ... found MLDBM !
 ... found SDBM_File !

Checking for the optional modules...
 ... found Apache::Filter !
 ... found Apache::SSI !
 ... found CGI !
 ... found Compress::Zlib !
 ... found DB_File !
 ... found Devel::Symdump !
 ... found HTML::Clean !
 ... found HTML::FillInForm !
 ... found Net::Config !
 ... found Net::SMTP !
 ... found Tie::Cache !
 ... found Time::HiRes !
 ... found XML::XSLT !
Looks good!

Writing Makefile for Apache::ASP
mkdir blib~~

cp blib/lib/Apache/
cp lib/Bundle/Apache/ blib/lib/Bundle/Apache/
Manifying blib/man3/Apache::ASP.3
Manifying blib/man3/Bundle::Apache::ASP.3
  /usr/bin/make  -- OK
Running make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib
-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/ppc-linux -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0 -e 'use
Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t
t/application...(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
t/collection(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
t/collectionitem(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
t/general...(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
t/include...(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
t/loops.(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
t/request...(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
t/response..(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
t/server(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
t/session...(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
t/xmlsubs...(in cleanup) Can't call method "FETCH" on an
undefined value at blib/lib/Apache/ line 4280 during global
All tests successful.
Files=11, Tests=84, 85 wallclock secs (67.11 cusr +  3.63 csys = 70.74 CPU)
  /usr/bin/make test -- OK
Running make install
Skipping /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Bundle/Apache/
Skipping /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/Apache/ (unchanged)
Installing /usr/local/man/man3/Apache::ASP.3
Installing /usr/local/man/man3/Bundle::Apache::ASP.3
Appending installation info to
  /usr/bin/make install  -- OK

Alright guys, do I have an interesting question:

Let us start with the output that ends up in the browser, if I try and load
the ./eg/index.htm page:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 asp

Then the output to browser when I load the ./eg/index.html page:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 asp <= $#keys; $i++) { if($i < $half) { push(@col1,
$keys[$i]); } else { push(@col2, $keys[$i]); } } $Response->Debug('col1',
\@col1, 'col2', \@col2); $title = 'Example ASP Scripts'; %>
"; next; } next unless $_->[0]; # last col / last row # clean up the
descriptions $_->[1] =~ s/\s*\.\s*$//s; $_->[1] .= '.'; %>
[0]%>>[0]%> [0] =~ /\.(htm|asp|ssi|xml)$/) { %>   ([0]%>>source)

It almost seems to me, like ASP is half working, half not.

Keep in mind these are just the example scripts that come with the package.
And, as far as I know, everything was installed 100% correctly from the CPAN

Any Ideas?



Help with Apache::ASP

2001-03-28 Thread Sean Coyle

Alright guys, do I have an interesting question:

Let us start with the output that ends up in the browser, if I try and load
the ./eg/index.htm page:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 asp

Then the output to browser when I load the ./eg/index.html page:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 asp <= $#keys; $i++) { if($i < $half) { push(@col1,
$keys[$i]); } else { push(@col2, $keys[$i]); } } $Response->Debug('col1',
\@col1, 'col2', \@col2); $title = 'Example ASP Scripts'; %>
"; next; } next unless $_->[0]; # last col / last row # clean up the
descriptions $_->[1] =~ s/\s*\.\s*$//s; $_->[1] .= '.'; %>
[0]%>>[0]%> [0] =~ /\.(htm|asp|ssi|xml)$/) { %>   ([0]%>>source)

It almost seems to me, like ASP is half working, half not.

Keep in mind these are just the example scripts that come with the package.
And, as far as I know, everything was installed 100% correctly from the CPAN

Any Ideas?

