
I'm experiencing a memory leak with Apache 1.3.14 with mod_perl 1.23 and
perl5.6.0 on Windows NT4.0 and Windows2000.
I've been running some test with a very simple ModPerl handler which just
outputs an HTML page with hello world in it.  Also, I made sure to undef all
variables that I use.
In general, the child processes grow with each request.
Also, if I set MaxRequestsPerChild to 20 so the child process dies and
restarts after every 20 request, this fixes the problem for the child
processes.  However, with this configuration, there's a memory leak
problem with the parent process.  After the child process dies and
restarts, the parent process grows in size.  This happens every time the
child process dies and restarts.
So with either configuration, I have a memory leak problem.
What can I do to fix this problem?


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