Re: Reading the environment in block

2001-05-07 Thread Steve Willer

On Mon, 7 May 2001, Benoit Caron wrote:

> The way I've setup whole thing is like that : a script name restart is 
> called with some parameters telling him to reload one or all the 
> developpers environment, or the "testing" copy. This script would have some 
> environments variables called SITE_USER and SITE_USER_PORT that will give 
> me the value (read in a file defining the different users) of the username 
> (and by the same way the files path) and the port where the user should work.
> My problem is that my envirnoment variables are not set. If I do a 
> Dumper(\%ENV), I only got values for the variables TZ, GATEWAY_INTERFACE, 
> MOD_PERL and PATH. (I do double-check that my variables where well setup).

You could try PerlPassEnv:


...but the solution I've used is to have the startup script dynamically
build a configuration based on a configuration "template". In fact, the
script doesn't even live in /etc anywhere -- it's part of the CVS checked
out area that each developer has individually. The config template is just
a standard Apache config file with special @@ tokens in it like the Apache
*.orig files:

ServerRoot @@SERVERROOT@@

The script changes these tokens when (re)starting Apache, and runs "apache
-f /tmp/httpd-[user]-[port].conf".

It also takes things a step further in that it automatically calculates a
port number based on the value of the "server root", by running it through
"sum". This way, you don't need to decide on a port for everybody -- they
just check out a copy of the website and start it. If they want to have
another copy of the website, let's say under ~/website-hacking, that's
fine -- it'll decide on a different port automatically.

I can send the startup script and config template if you want to see what
I mean.

> The only way I still see to make it work is having my "restart" script 
> saving the current user/port in a file and letting the  section read 
> it's configuration from there. But it look so patchy...


RE: ANNOUNCE: HTML::Embperl 1.3b2

2000-02-13 Thread Steve Willer

On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Gerald Richter wrote:

> If you really like to do so, we have to compile the perl (of every object)
> for every namepsace it will run into. Currently I think more of a feature
> like exporting variables (like Perl modules can do), so that they are
> visible in all object during the request. What do you think?

Yes, that makes sense. Perhaps an optional argument for Execute that lists
the variables to export? Actually, there has to be a way to get variables
in both directions. Perhaps an export list and an import list in the
params to Execute? Or maybe if you just make sure we can export hashes
like %fdat, %cdat and %errors, then that would take care of the
bidirectional need. 

> Currently you can get $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} that contains /x/y/z.html and
> $ENV{PATH_TRANSLATED} will contain the filename of page your are in at the
> moment. Everything else you have strip out of these two at the moment.

Yep. I'm kinda thinking of making templates easy to use for newbie
engineers. Although specialized variables tend to duplicate things that
are in other variables, they are useful for making things easier to use. I
don't know if there's an elegant way to do it, though -- after all my
meetings, I don't have a lot of brainpower left right now for design. 

> > This is useful in situations where I want to have nav bars that
> > are page-specific, then directory-specific, then site-default.
> > In this example, for the top nav, I would look for y/z_top.html,
> > then y/_top.html, then _top.html.
> > Anyway, that's what I do. I don't know that my solution is the
> > most elegant, though.
> If you do an Execute ("_top.html") then it will look in the same directories
> for _top.html, as it looked for the _template.html. In your example this
> means Embperl will automaticly look for /x/y/_top.html and /x/_top.html, but
> not /_top.html. Maybe it would be usefull to search for /_top.html also, but
> I am not sure how it is the best to determinate where to stop the serach for
> such sub-objects. The current solution would be to have a /_template.html
> which that calls a _another_template.html and _another_template.html is the
> one that is overwritten (and calls _top.html). In that way EmbperlObject
> will always serach "/x/y", "/x", "/".

I realized this, and I definitely like the way you did it. The only thing
it doesn't give me is _per page_ "_top.html" files. If you see my example
at the top, you see it looks for y/z_top.html first. This functionality
isn't supported in the path right now. Just a thought: What if the path
somehow supported a prefix on filenames? Like if it was "y/z:y/:./", then
you tack on the filename after each element in the path. The only problem
is that this would require a trailing "/" on true directory names, but if
you changed EmbperlObject to generate conforming paths it wouldn't be so
much of a problem (I think).

> But this could be easily done with a Perl regex and I don't want to setup to
> much globals, because they pollute your namespace and it takes time to set
> them up. Both are bad in cases you don't need them. When we have the export
> feature (I decribed above, or something which serve the same purpose), you
> could simple set them up at the top of your template.

Yes. I may do this, since there's typically only one template per website.
Or perhaps in a single function each template calls (which is what I'm
currently doing).

> > The reason I ask is that we use these things called "actions",
> > where the filename in the URL doesn't usually exist. The "action"
> > is a library object referenced by $fdat{AID}. The library object
> > is executed, and depending on error or success state, it returns
> > back different names for the object that should be loaded.
> > *Then* we load the object. This very useful for form handlers that
> > have different states, as it avoids redirects or big [$if$]
> > blocks in html files.
> > Any ideas?
> I think we can make Embperl here more smart/configurable it is able to
> handle this case also in your way

I really liked this "action" idea when I found out about it, as it solves
multi-state responses to forms (error state, success state, etc.) very
elegantly. Out of curiosity, what do you typically do for forms? An
example might be a registration form where there are required fields. How
does your page flow work?

> > Okay, so I'm a little verbose. Now I'll report a bug I've found lately:
> > Remember, I run templates and objects in the same namespace? I've found
> > that variables declared in the template often are not cleaned up at the
> > end of the request. The next page load goes to the same template, of
> > course, and the variable is still there.
> I guess this is because you call the object from different pages (with
> different namespaces). As mentioned above Perl can only compile them for one
> namespace, so the object is compiled for namespace A, but

Re: Reasons why DBI should fail w/mod_perl

1999-11-24 Thread Steve Willer

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Martin A. Langhoff wrote:
> Wow! 41 words and not a single colon|comma|period|semicolon  :)

Congrats. :-)

> Is there a list of possible reasons to explain why a DBI connect to
> a mysql server (apache and mysqld running on the same host) fails if
> called from mod_perl and succeeds from a standard CGI perl script?

Is this a reasonably busy site? How many Apache children are typically
running? Perhaps you're hitting a max-connections limit.

Do you get an error string when the connect fails?

Re: Embperl [- -] annoyance

1999-11-09 Thread Steve Willer

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, David Bushong wrote:

> I was wondering (as Embperl embraces so very many hacks for the sake of 
> usefulness =) if it would be considered favorable to add a special case
> for -] occurring inside of a regexp to be _not_ considered the end of
> a embedded perl block.

Ouch! Just last night, I had spent a good half-hour or perhaps even an
hour trying to make a simple regular expression work. It had [^-] in it,
and that's where the problem was (it said the replace spec was not
terminated or something). 

Well, now I know.