Re: apache fails to work with mod_perl .. (old PerlRequire conf/ + more info)

2000-10-15 Thread falstaff

I have found that I can now build an apache_1.3.14 binary with
mod_perl-1.24 . I had to rebuild the perl5.6.0 binary with config_args:
config_args='-des -Doptimize=-02 -march=i386 mcpu=686 -Dcc=gcc -Dcccdlflags=-fPIC 
-Darchname=i386-linux -Dd_dosuid -Dd_semctl_semun -Di_db -di_ndbm -Di_gdbm -Di_shadow 

These arguments are how the binary shipped with RedHat7 was configured.
Does anyone see something here I should worry about?
Also, make test is failing about 3/4 of the tests. But at least it is

Danny Aldham Providing Certified Internetworking Solutions to Business  E-Mail, Web Servers, Web Databases, SQL PHP  Perl

mod_perl on RH7 fails make test

2000-10-10 Thread falstaff

I am trying to build mod_perl-1.24 on apache_1.3.12 on 
RedHat linux 7.0 2.2.16-22  gcc version 2.96
All seems to build fine, but when I run make test it fails to start
the server with lock error :

[notice] Destruction-DESTROY called for $global_object
[Fri Oct  6 10:39:06 2000] [warn] [notice] child_init for process 3211, report any 
problems to [no address given]
[Fri Oct  6 10:39:06 2000] [emerg] (22)Invalid argument: fcntl: F_SETLKW: Error 
getting accept lock, exiting!  Perhaps you need to use the LockFile directive to place 
your lock file on a local disk!
[notice] child process 3211 terminating
[notice] push'd PerlChildExitHandler called, pid=3211
[notice] push'd PerlChildExitHandler called, pid=3211
[notice] END block called for
[notice] Destruction-DESTROY called for $global_object

Any help, hints or pointers appreciated.

Danny Aldham Providing Certified Internetworking Solutions to Business  E-Mail, Web Servers, Web Databases, SQL PHP  Perl