$r->args missing data

1999-12-02 Thread Christian Gilmore

We just updgraded from apache-1.3.3/mod_perl-1.16 to
apache-1.3.9/mod_perl-1.21 on solaris-2.5.1. $r->args does not contain any
data for us now when it did before during the URI translation phase.

We're running a minimal system, so many modules have been stripped from the
build (included is one home-grown module mod_pushweb which does no
modification whatsoever of request_rec). We put in some extra debug lines into
both apache's httpd_main.c and mod_perl's mod_perl.c.

It appears that both apache and mod_perl internally have r->args correct, yet
it doesn't make it up to the TransTest module. This same TransHandler code
worked just fine in the previous 1.3.3/1.21 build. Can anyone see the problem?

Included below are:

 * build commands we used
 * httpd.conf snippets relating to mod_perl
 * the TransTest module which demonstrates the problem
 * the error_log

The build commands for mod_perl:
 (answer 'y' to the first question, 'n' to the second)
 make all
 make install

The build commands for apache:

--disable-module=actions \
--disable-module=alias --disable-module=asis \
--disable-module=auth --disable-module=autoindex \
--disable-module=cgi --disable-module=dir \
--disable-module=env --disable-module=imap \
--disable-module=include --disable-module=mime \
--disable-module=negotiation --disable-module=setenvif \
--disable-module=status --disable-module=userdir \
--activate-module=src/modules/mod_pushweb/libmod_pushweb.a \
--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a \

>From httpd.conf:

 PerlRequire /weblab/services/pushweb/lib/TransTest.pm
 PerlTransHandler TransTest

The module:

 package TransTest;
 use lib qw(/weblab/services/pushweb/lib);
 use strict;
 use Apache::Constants ':common';
 use Apache::Log;

 sub handler {
   my($r) = @_;
   $r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&transtest_handler);
   return OK;

 sub transtest_handler {
   my($r) = @_;
   my $log = $r->server->log;

   $log->debug("TransTest Handler entry");

   $log->debug("The Entire Request: " . $r->as_string);
   $log->debug("The Request Line: " . $r->the_request);
   $log->debug("The Path Information: " . $r->uri);
   $log->debug("The Args: " . $r->args);

   my $response = "TransTest ";
   $response .= "response\n";

   # Apache's no-caching (as of 1.3.0) is broken.
   # It just modifies stamp
   $r->header_out('Pragma', 'no-cache');
   $r->header_out('Cache-control', 'no-cache');
   $r->header_out('Content-Length', length($response));

   $log->debug("TransTest Handler exit");



>From the error_log:

[Thu Dec  2 17:07:08 1999] [notice] Apache/1.3.9 Ben-SSL/1.37 (Unix)
mod_perl/1.21 configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:08 1999] [info] Server built: Dec  1 1999 19:11:25
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug] apache_ssl.c(1718): CIPHER is RC4-MD5
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug] buff.c(263): read returned 310 rwstate=3
state=3 rstate=240 cren=0 aren=0 accept=1
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [error] [client] before ap_parse_uri
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [error] [client] after ap_parse_uri
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug] mod_perl.c(884): before callup to
perltranshandler, args=foo=bar
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug] mod_perl.c(887): after callup to
perltranshandler, args=foo=bar
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/TransTest.pm(18): TransTest Handler entry
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/TransTest.pm(20): The Entire Request: GET
/login=cgilmore/?foo=bar HTTP/1.0
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Language: en
Connection: Keep-Alive
Host: absent.research.att.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.61 [en] (X11; U; SunOS 5.7 sun4u)

HTTP/1.0 (null)

[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/TransTest.pm(21): The Request Line: GET
/login=cgilmore/?foo=bar HTTP/1.0
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/TransTest.pm(22): The Path Information:
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/TransTest.pm(23): The Args:
[Thu Dec  2 17:07:21 1999] [debug]
/weblab/services/pushweb/lib/TransTest.pm(35): TransTest Handler exit


Christian Gilmore
Senior Technical Staff Member
AT&T Labs IP Technology, Florham Park

Re: $r->args missing data

1999-12-02 Thread Ken Y. Clark

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Christian Gilmore wrote:

> We just updgraded from apache-1.3.3/mod_perl-1.16 to
> apache-1.3.9/mod_perl-1.21 on solaris-2.5.1. $r->args does not contain any
> data for us now when it did before during the URI translation phase.

[ snip ]

> The module:
>  package TransTest;
>  use lib qw(/weblab/services/pushweb/lib);
>  use strict;
>  use Apache::Constants ':common';
>  use Apache::Log;
>  sub handler {
>my($r) = @_;
>$r->push_handlers(PerlHandler => \&transtest_handler);
>return OK;
>  }
>  sub transtest_handler {
>my($r) = @_;
>my $log = $r->server->log;
>$log->debug("TransTest Handler entry");
>$log->debug("The Entire Request: " . $r->as_string);
>$log->debug("The Request Line: " . $r->the_request);
>$log->debug("The Path Information: " . $r->uri);
>$log->debug("The Args: " . $r->args);
>my $response = "TransTest ";
>$response .= "response\n";
># Apache's no-caching (as of 1.3.0) is broken.
># It just modifies stamp
>$r->header_out('Pragma', 'no-cache');
>$r->header_out('Cache-control', 'no-cache');
>$r->header_out('Content-Length', length($response));
>$log->debug("TransTest Handler exit");
>  }

you might try referencing $r->main->args because you are passing $r to
your trastest_handler.  this has been a consistent thorn in my side for
many applications.  sometimes $r->main->args has it, sometimes $r->args,
and sometimes i can successfully use a CGI query object and get it from

