$r-headers_in-get('Referer') doesn't work with IE

2003-03-04 Thread Scott Alexander

I using recipe 10.4 from the mod_perl cookbook.


sub logout ($$) {

  # I'm setting the logout address to be the login page again. My login page
  # is made up of /bin/$environment_name/
  # With Netscape it works fine ..

  my ($self, $r) = @_;
  my $uri = $r-headers_in-get('Referer') ;
  my @split = split /\//, $uri ;
  my $db = $split[4] ;


  my $logout_address = /bin/ . $db . / ;
  $r-headers_out-set(Location = $logout_address);

  return REDIRECT;


Checking the log file for netscape everything is as expected.

User can login, work, logout - back to login page ready for next user.

But with IE 6.0 the $r-uri and $r-headers_in-get('Referer') is
different than for NN. It is the next page being called in this case just
/logout so I no longer know what was my db value.

Any ideas how to solve this?


Re: $r-headers_in-get('Referer') doesn't work with IE

2003-03-04 Thread Geoffrey Young

But with IE 6.0 the $r-uri and $r-headers_in-get('Referer') is
different than for NN. 
as you're seeing, the Referer header is pretty unreliable due to the 
different ways browsers implement it.

you should probably switch to a different method for this, such as 
specifying the environment through a PerlSetVar, or maybe passing it around 
in a form field, the query string, or extra path info or something.

