Slightly off topic...

I am considering using  the LWPng (HTTP/1.1) client code for an app where 
we could gladly use both of the HTTP/1.1 features that it offers: 
persistent connections (the client and server are separated by 7 time zones 
and the TCP connect time is a horrible 125 ms ;=( , and pipelining of 
requests. The status of the code , according to Gisle Aas, is definitely 
alpha, and it hasn't been touched in a few years.

Has anyone else used this module ? and how successfully ?


Simon Rosenthal ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          
Web Systems Architect
Northern Light Technology
One Athenaeum Street. Suite 1700, Cambridge, MA  02142
Phone:  (617)621-5296  :       URL:
"Northern Light - Just what you've been searching for"

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