The Bricolage team is pleased to announce the release of Bricolage-Devel
1.5.0, a development release for what will eventually become Bricolage
1.6.0. In addition to all of the bug fixes included in the 1.4.6 release,
this version of the 100% Perl content management system adds many new
features. The most significant changes include:

* A unit testing framework based on Test::Class.

* Ported to HTML::Mason versions 1.16 and higher.

* Output channel-specific URI format and case preferences.

* Stories and media assets can now select which output channels to be
published to on a per-story or per-media asset basis

* New template type, "utility template," not associated with any
individual element or category. Useful for creating libraries of
utility templates.

* Ability to "clone" stories.

* Improved Burner methods, including a status method (to determine if
a template is being executed by a "preview" or a "publish" event)
and methods to assist in the creation of links to other pages within
a story.

* Improved browser support and performance, thanks to converting the
style sheet and JavaScript components to static files. This change
incidentally correct issues with IE on the Mac and Netscape 4.x on

* Assets may now optionally be transfered from one workflow to another.

* Numerous performance enhancements.

For a complete list of the changes, see the changes file at Although
this release gives every appearance of being as stable as any previous
release of Bricolage, it does contain a fair bit of new code that needs to
be put through the ringer. We also expect other features to be added
before the 1.6.0 release, including further performance enhancements, more
comprehensive testing, and a localized UI.


Bricolage is a full-featured, enterprise-class content management and
publishing system. It offers a browser-based interface for ease-of use, a
full-fledged templating system with complete HTML::Mason support for
flexibility, and many other features. It operates in an Apache/mod_perl
environment, and uses the PostgreSQL RDBMS for its repository. A
comprehensive, actively-developed open source CMS, Bricolage has been
hailed as "Most Impressive" in 2002 by eWeek.

Learn more about Bricolage and download it from the Bricolage home page,


--The Bricolage Team

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