
I have installed Apache::AuthenLDAP into my apache 1.3 test machine, and found that version 0.61 does not work with perl-ldap 0.28 (aka Net::LDAP) Since there has not been an update to this module since July 12, 2001, I think that it is safe to say that there is no interest in continuing to support this module. (BTW, I found the same offending code in Apache::AuthzLDAP.)

I have compared the functionality of these two module to Apache::AuthNetLDAP and Apache::AuthzNetLDAP, and found that the latter two modules contain all of the functionality of the Bodnar/Gilmore modules, plus some. (NOTE: Apache::AuthzLDAP does have a NestedGroups functionality that will allow recursive searching through... nested groups ;) Is this useful for anyone? If so, then we can add it into Apache::AuthzNetLDAP.) Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that we will not need to port these modules to modperl2... Any dissenters?

Also, after perusing the code in both Apache::AuthPerLDAP and Apache::AuthLDAP, both of which have not been updated in over 4 years, I see that all functionality is also available in Apache::AuthNetLDAP. I also think that I will bypass porting these modules as well. Again, any dissenters?


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