Hey all-

So, about 2 years after I originally discussed it here, I finally put
the finishing touches on Apache::ConfigFile and uploaded it to CPAN. It
is available in my CPAN directory:


This modules does the following:

   - Gives you offline access to any Apache style config file

   - Provides methods for accessing config commands and sections

   - Provides a dir_config() which gives you access to PerlSetVar
     declarations by name, just like mod_perl

   - Properly expands Include directives and handles paths
     relative to ServerRoot

   - Handles multiple declarations for the same context (for
     example, multiple VirtualHost definitions)

   - Provides autoloaded methods for common core functions, such
     as server_root()

   - Also has several options which can be used to extend the
     Apache/NCSA syntax, so that you can write a custom config
     module for your own applications and use this module to
     parse it.

In any case, the module is stable but I'd be shocked it is bug-free. So
if you have any comments or bugfixes I'd like to know about them. Hope
you find this useful!


Nathan Wiger
Sysadmin and Perl Hacker
Sun Microsystems

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