F.Xavier Noria wrote:
> I installed Apache::DBI and "make test" run no test, but the "make test"
> of Apache::AuthCookieDBI tries to use Apache::DBI and fails because
> Apache/DBI.pm in line 202 invokes Apache->module(), which it seems it is
> not in the interface of the Apache class I have installed:
>     $ perl -MApache::DBI -e1
>     Can't locate object method "module" via package "Apache" (perhaps you forgot to 
>load "Apache"?) at /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/Apache/DBI.pm line 202.
>     Compilation failed in require.
>     BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
> This is the version of Apache.pm I have installed:
>     $ perl -MApache -le 'print $Apache::VERSION'
>     1.27
> and mod_perl is 1.26, do you know what could wrong?

That's normal. You cannot test modules that use mod_perl API without 
running them inside mod_perl server. I've the same problem as you've 
reported. This test suite is simple broken.

If you talk to the Jacob Davies, please tell him that it's a good idea 
to set the prerequisites in Makefile.PL, so his module will be 
installable from CPAN, without doing any manual work.

All Apache:: module authors should be moving to use the new Apache::Test 
framework soon, since it lets you test the code under running mod_perl 
server and works with both versions of httpd/mod_perl.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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