
I' m using AuthCookie for authentication, but I would like to use all the
normal authorization possibilities in .htaccess files (especially 'require
group', <Limit> and <LimitExecpt>).

Do I have to implement all the handling of .htaccess directives in my
AuthCookie-derived module? Is it possible to ask the Apache's Basic auth
to do the authorization? A subrequest with some special headers maybe? Am
I totally lost with this one?

In my case the cookie does not contain the password neiher there is any
flat user file (nor group file). So maybe some kludge must be done to give
the Basic auth headers all the information needed (for example base64
coded username:password)?

Any help greatly appreciated!!!


Kari Nurmela,
        [EMAIL PROTECTED], (02) 333 8847 / (0400) 786 547

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