Should be fairly simple: Configure a few locations w/in the <perl>
section of httpd.conf. The code seems to run, exept that naming the
first section "/cdr/Data" gives me the output from Cdr::Welcome, rather
than the Cdr::Data module. Changing the name from "cdr/Data" to
"cdr/Foo" in the config file fixes the problem; changing it to "cdr/Bar"
breaks things again. Aside from server-status and server-info these are
the only locations in the config file; the only dir's in the file are
serverroot and htdocs -- which don't seem to cause any problem.

The really annoying thing is that all I get back is a lack of error
messages and the contents of the /cdr location when accessing the
/cdr/Data (/cdr/Menu and /cdr work fine). Aside from gremlins or an
easter egg for URI's named "Foo", anyone know of a decent reference
for this?


    $Location{'/cdr/Data'} =
            SetHandler                      => 'perl-script',

            SetEnvIf                        =>
                    [ 'Cookie',  'Eastern',  'TZ=US/Eastern'  ],
                    [ 'Cookie',  'Central',  'TZ=US/Central'  ],
                    [ 'Cookie',  'Mountain', 'TZ=US/Mountain' ],
                    [ 'Cookie',  'Pacific',  'TZ=US/Pacific'  ],

                    [ 'Referer', 'Central',  'TZ=US/Central'  ],
                    [ 'Referer', 'Eastern',  'TZ=US/Eastern'  ],
                    [ 'Referer', 'Mountain', 'TZ=US/Mountain' ],
                    [ 'Referer', 'Pacific',  'TZ=US/Pacific'  ],

            PerlHandler                     => 'Cdr::Data',

    # welcome screen, authentication is handled
    # here also via Apache::AuthNetLDAP which
    # is configured here.

    $Location{'/cdr'} =
            SetHandler      => 'perl-script',
            PerlSetEnv      => "BASEURL http://$host:$Port/cdr";,
            PerlHandler     => 'Cdr::Welcome',

    $Location{'/cdr/Top'} =
            SetHandler                      => 'perl-script',
            PerlHandler                     => 'Cdr::Top',

    $Location{'/cdr/Menu'} =
            SetHandler                      => 'perl-script',
            PerlHandler                     => 'Cdr::Menu',

Steven Lembark                               2930 W. Palmer
Workhorse Computing                       Chicago, IL 60647
                                            +1 800 762 1582

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