> > Also, as I mentioned earlier, I couldn't get "domain=...;" to work.
> make sure that the domain has a dot in front of it and that it
> matches the hostname of the box (RFC 2109):
> $headers_out->add('Set-Cookie', "name=$val; domain=.foo.com;");

Ah-HA! I *don't* think I used a dot....That was it!
<LATIN>multas gratias tibi do!</LATIN>
<TRANS>Thanks, lots. =o)      </TRANS>

Printed across the top of Folger's Gourmet Coffee Singles packets:

"Seize the wildness of the moment, Feel the movement of the moon -- Swans fly with 
wings wide open to the sky." -- B-52's 
Real friends are those whom, when you inconvenience them, it bothers you more than 
them. -- me. =o) 
"There are trivial truths and there are great Truths. The opposite of a trival truth 
is obviously false. The opposite of a great Truth is also true."  -- Neils Bohr 
TEMPVS PECVDEM COLLARE EST - It's time to thin the herd.

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