I'm relatively new to mod_perl, so forgive me if this has been asked 100

I'm running under Windows 2000, with Apache 1.3.20, Mod_Perl 1.25_1 and
ActivePerl Build 628.

I've worked my way through several examples, and have come up against I
problem I can't answer.  When I want to include a module in my script, I can't
change the @INC variable appropriately.  What happens is this:

I put "PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB "e:/websites/perl" into my httpd.conf file as this
is where I want my modules to live.  Yes, it needs the drive letter, as I have
applications and data scattered all over.
The trouble is, when I run the script, I get:

[Mon Jul 16 13:17:09 2001] [error] Uncaught exception from user code:
        Uncaught exception from user code:
        Can't locate Counter.pm in @INC (@INC contains: D:/apps/perl/lib
D:/apps/perl/site/lib . d:/apps/apache/ d:/apps/apache/lib/perl e
/websites/perl) at e:/websites/perl/doit.pl line 5.
        Apache::ROOT::perl::doit_2epl::BEGIN() called at Counter.pm line 5
        eval {...} called at Counter.pm line 5
        eval 'package Apache::ROOT::perl::doit_2epl;use Apache qw(exit);sub
handler {
#line 1 e:/websites/perl/doit.pl

The important part to note is the "e /websites/perl" in @INC.

Now obviously the PERL5LIB is a colon separated list, so it's parsing
correctly, and breaking up my path. 

The question is: How do I escape the colon, or specify it in another way, so
that it DOESN'T get parsed apart?

Someone must have an answer.



Ian Williamson
Senior Software Engineer
NovAtel Inc.

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