[ Recipients of this message are either subscribers to the modperl or
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> -----Original Message-----
> From:   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 9:38 PM
> To: Alessandro Forghieri
> Subject: Re: [2.x] test fails on win32 version 1.99_02
> On Monday, 2002-06-03 at 18:32:54 +0200, Alessandro Forghieri wrote:
> > reetings.
> :-)
> > I have been trying 5.8RC1 and I tried to compile/install 
> several modules
> > that I have
> > on 5.6.1 - CPAN, not PPM.
> > At least the following do not build and/or test right (not 
> exhaustive, as I
> > got tired after a while):
> > Posted in the hope it may help somebody...

> Can you please send a detailed report to the perl5porters list?
> and the module authors? Please include the version numbers
> and all error messages.

And so it goes... I am changing the subject, to make it more descriptive, as
this does not
really relate to modperl.

Machine is wintel NTSP6, VC++6 SP3.

1) Besides failures on various modules, I also witnessed (today) a SEGFAULT
on the tests while building a debug version (curiously, the stack trace ends
up in msvcrt - I would've expected msvcrtd).

The crash happens during:


It appears to wedge in Perl_NEWFOROP:

        LOOP *tmp;
        Copy(loop,tmp,1,LOOP);    //<====b0000m!
        loop = tmp;

the "loop" structure has a few fishy fields: loop->op_nextop and
loop->op_lastop both show up as expression that "Cannot be evaluated" by the
debugger (but maybe that's normal). As far as I remember, this did not
happen on a previous release build.
All other tests complete sucessfully.

2) and now on to the modules failures. I trid to reapply my 5.6.1 AS630
bundle and I had several failures. I tracked three of them more closely. Two
(Tk and Archive::Tar) are described below in a message I posted to perlmonks
yesterday. The third - MLDBM is described in what follows.

MLDBM-2.000 fails the first test of each suite. I debugged the first failure
(dumper.t) and 
it fails a comparison on two  would-be equal structures:
  DB<3> p $first
$a = [
         c => [
         a => $a,
         b => $a->[1]
$b = {
       c => [
       a => [
       b => $b
$c = [

DB<4> p $second
$a = [
         a => $a,
         b => $a->[1],
         c => [
$b = {
       a => [
       b => $b,
       c => $b->{a}[2]
$c = [

So this is pretty serious - given the above interpreter error in a 'tie'
test, some relation among the two can be inferred.

I also had uninvestigated failures in the following modules - all at their
latest CPAN versions:

o) Devel::TraceLoad   0.08              # Test Failure

t\all....FAILED test 1
        Failed 1/5 tests, 80.00% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\all.t                    5    1  20.00%  1
Failed 1/1 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 1/5 subtests failed, 80.00% okay.

o) Module::Info  0.12                # Several test errors

Test returned status 16 (wstat 4096, 0x1000) DIED. FAILED tests 10-15,
40-47, 50-51
        Failed 16/51 tests, 68.63% okay
Failed Test     Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\Module-Info.t   16  4096    51   16  31.37%  10-15 40-47 50-51
Failed 1/1 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 16/51 subtests failed, 68.63% okay.

o) Win32::API       0.20                 #C diagnostic

API.xs(155) : error C2065: 'na' : undeclared identifier
API.xs(237) : warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'double ' to 'float ',
le loss of data

o) libxml-perl  0.07                 # Fails test

        D:\perl58\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e"
"test_harness(0, '
blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\amsterdam.t t\canon_xml_writer.t t\schema.t
t t\subs.t t\xp_sax.t
t\stream..............FAILED test 11
        Failed 1/11 tests, 90.91% okay
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\stream.t                11    1   9.09%  11
Failed 1/6 test scripts, 83.33% okay. 1/45 subtests failed, 97.78% okay.

o)XML-RSS 0.97

is uncorrectly packaged (it contains XML::RSS.3 - an illegal file name under
and so unpack fails - but it builds/tests otherwise.

o) Compress-zlib 1.1.16

The build process is broken with the latest zlib (1.1.4) and it requires
extensive manual
intervention (the build of zlib loops). Also the fact that building aganst a
dll cannot be done (the XS extension and zlib proper are both called
zlib.dll and the loader gets confused - something similar used to happen
with expat) should be documented.

o) libwin32-0.18

The test/install process is broken. The files:


Are not copied to the final destination and tests fail (this also happened
in 5.6.1)
tests/installs OK otherwise.

TK and Archive::Tar failures are documented below. Also attached is the
autobundle documenting (so to speak) a number of modules that did


----Posted to the perlmonks ----


I have built 5.8.RC1 on my wintel NTSP6 box (VC++ 6 SP3 - smooth)

I am now trying to reapply the bundle of what is already installed on
my good ole 5.6.1 - and this is not going very smoothly. Until now I
have been unable to build Archive::Tar and Tk (surely others will pop

Archive::Tar errors like this:

D:\home\alf\.cpan58\build\Archive-Tar-0.22>nmake test

cp Tar.pm blib\lib\Archive\Tar.pm
        D:\perl58\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e cp ptar
        pl2bat.bat blib\script\ptar
        D:\perl58\bin\perl.exe "-Iblib\lib" "-Iblib\arch" test.pl
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
Can't call method "gzwrite" on an undefined value at blib\lib/Archive/Tar.pm
line 493.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'D:\perl58\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0xff'

The error is related to this line: 

    $fh = Compress::Zlib::gzdopen_ ($fh, $mode, 0)
        or &_drat;

I tried to change it thusly: 

    $fh = Compress::Zlib::gzdopen_ (fileno($fh),$mode,0)
        or &_drat;

Which solves the problem in test 4 and 5, only to fail on test 6: 

ok 5
Can't call method "gzseek" on an undefined value at blib\lib/Archive/Tar.pm
line 846.

The reason for this failure is deeper however and I cannot comprehend
it, also because it appears to be time-dependent: if I step through
the code with the debugger quickly the failure appears rooted at the

    sysseek ($_[0], 0, 0)
    or goto &_drat;

which 'drats', while if I debug more slowly i can get to the end of
the test (which prints not ok 6) and the situation unravels later on;
Tk gets a straight compile failure:

        cl -c  -I.. -I../pTk/mTk/xlib  -nologo -Gf -W3 -MD -DNDEBUG -O1
"  -DXS_VERSION=\"800.024\"  "-ID:\perl58\lib\CORE"    Xlib.c
..\pTk/tkWinPort.h(135) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '('
..\pTk/tkWinPort.h(135) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '('
..\pTk/tkWinPort.h(135) : error C2091: function returns function
..\pTk/tkWinPort.h(135) : error C2091: function returns function
..\pTk/tkWinPort.h(135) : error C2146: syntax error :missing ')' befor
+e identifier 'Perl_get_context'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

Google does not really help here so - opinions? Ideas? 
TIA & Cheers,

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