Out of Memory

2001-08-16 Thread Rasoul Hajikhani

I am getting out of memory error message in my error log. Can any one
suggest a way in finding this memory leak?
Thanks in advance...

PS: it is a simple update of a record but I get:
Out of memory during large request for 536875008 bytes...
God help me :(

Re: Out of Memory

2001-08-16 Thread Rasoul Hajikhani

 Rasoul Hajikhani writes:
  Yes. It has three gig of ram. Is Template Toolkit memory intensive? I
  was told that the swap was turned off on that machine.
 Swap was completly turned off?  That isn't good...  should have a
 small amount of swap...  You may be asking for a chunk of memory the
 machine doesn't have available...  can you run top on the machine?

Yes. I can run top on that machine. This problem, out of memory error,
has just come up... I am being told that the machine does not need swap
space!? Is this true?

Hangs / Out of memory

2001-04-05 Thread Gregor Mosheh, Programmer

The problem exists with various combinations. The ones I'm currently
testing are:
Apache 1.3.12+mod_perl 1.17+perl 5.5.3
Apache 1.3.14+mod_perl 1.3.24+Perl 5.6.0


The combination of Apache 1.3.12 + mod_perl 1.27 + perl 5.5.3 is working
beautifully on our existing server, which is running Solaris 2.6.

This same combination, as well as combinations of newer versions of each
package, does not work on the new server, which is running Solaris 2.8

Very often, but not with 100% reliability, a mod_perl program will either
A) generate an "Out of memory!/Callback called exit." error in the
error_log or B) simply hang without generating any messages at all. 
Whichever failure mode happens (or if it works), it sticks with for
several hours at a time. e.g. If it hangs now, I can hit it in a moment
and be assured that it will hang again and not work or generate the

I followed the advice in the mod_perl_traps, regarding
PERL_EMERGENCY_SBRK, and it made absolutely no difference at all.

This is driving myself and my co-workers crazy, cuz it's delaying our
migration to the new server. Ideas?

Gregor Mosheh, B.S.
Programmer, CargoTel

Out Of Memory While Running Apache_OWA

2000-10-29 Thread Mark Kirkwood

Dear list,

I am getting this error "Out of memory during large request for - bytes at OWA.pm 
line 347" in the Apache error log when attempting to run any Oracle PLSQL procedure.

Even trivial procedures like  :

procedure hello is

give the above error.

There seems to be quite a lot of free memory available on the server. Is there some 
mod_perl parameter I need to tweek ?

I am running Apache 1.3.12/Mod_perl 1.24/OWA-0.7 on HPUX 11.00



out of memory

2000-04-28 Thread FEITO Nazareno

I´ve installed apache 1.3.12 and mod_perl 1.23 but when I want to start
apache it starts and then eat almost all the memory on the system, I have a
PII 333 with 128MB ram.
When i want to access the page i can´t doit and everything get slow... when
i check error_log I found a nice prhase that say: out of memory(repeat it a
lot of times).
Any idea what I´m doing wrong?How can I fix that?Is an script problem or
httpd.conf problem?
I´m running only mod_perl with mysql databases and it say that handler is
bad too... 
Help, S.O.S, Ayuda, Auxilio, Socorro.

Perl Programmer www.obsequie.com

Re: out of memory

2000-04-28 Thread Ime Smits

Getting mod_perl to suck up all RAM ain't that difficult. But you have to
give us details...


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 14:22
Subject: out of memory

I´ve installed apache 1.3.12 and mod_perl 1.23 but when I want to start
apache it starts and then eat almost all the memory on the system, I have a
PII 333 with 128MB ram.
When i want to access the page i can´t doit and everything get slow... when
i check error_log I found a nice prhase that say: out of memory(repeat it a
lot of times).
Any idea what I´m doing wrong?How can I fix that?Is an script problem or
httpd.conf problem?
I´m running only mod_perl with mysql databases and it say that handler is
bad too...
Help, S.O.S, Ayuda, Auxilio, Socorro.

Perl Programmer www.obsequie.com

'Out of memory during large request for 134221824 bytes' ???

2000-01-31 Thread Ofer Inbar

I'm developing a web'n'database app using Apache::Registry and DBI.
The app has been in use for about six months, and I continue to make
incremental improvements (on a separate server that is only used for
development purposes) to the code.  At some point late last week, one
afternoon while I was playing around with one of my long CGI.pm-ish
print statements and repeatedly reloading the page in my browser to
see what my changes looked like, I started getting errors like this:

Software error:
[Mon Jan 31 17:08:06 2000] cider: Out of memory during "large" request
for 134221824 bytes at /usr/local/apache/cider//cider line 18. BEGIN
failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/apache/cider//cider line 20.

The error happens intermittently, usually about 1 out of every 4 to 8
page loads (followed links, from submissions, reloads, whatever).  The
number "134221824 bytes" is always the same.  I can't think of
anything in my app that would want that much memory, nor can I think
of anything I was editing the day this began that might be related to
this.  I had never seens this error before, in many months of regular
work on the code, and now I see it every day, so I must have done
something to introduce this problem but I don't know where to look.

I did restart apache.  That did no good.  I stopped apache entirely,
then started it fresh, and was careful not to touch the program, so
that mod_perl would only want to compile it once for each httpd
process and not recompile it.  But that didn't help either.

Here's what I'm using:
 - Solaris 2.6
 - Perl 5.005_03
   + DBI 1.13
   + DBD::Informix 0.60
   + CGI 2.56
   [several other modules]
 - Apache 1.3.9
   + mod_perl 1.21
   + mod_ssl 2.4.9 (built with OpenSSL 0.9.4)
 - Informix Dynamic Server 7.3.UC10

I have no BEGIN blocks in my program, so I assume this is coming from
a used module somewhere.  Here are the first 20 lines of my program:


require 5.004;
use Apache;
use Apache::Log;
use IP;
use IPnet;
use DBI;
use Tie::DBI;
use CGI qw(:all);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser carpout);
use CGI::Cookie qw(:standard);
use Digest::MD5  qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);

$ENV{INFORMIXDIR} = "/informix";
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning .= $_[0] };

use constant NL = "br\n";
And here's the Perl block from my Apache conf file:


use Apache;
use Apache::Log;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common :response :http);
use Digest::MD5  qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
use CGI qw(-compile :all);
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI::Cookie qw(:standard);
use LWP::UserAgent;
use DBI;
use Tie::DBI;
use IP;
use IPnet;

The modules IP and IPnet are ones I wrote for this app's use, and they
haven't been touched for months.  Since I put in use statements in the
Perl section for all the modules I use in my program, they shouldn't
need to be recompiled at all, should they?

The error message gets logged in Apache's error log, and sent to the
web browser (due to CGI::Carp).  I don't see anything logged in
/var/adm/messages when this happens.  Where do I look for this problem?

  --  Cos (Ofer Inbar)  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --  Exodus Professional Services  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "This may seem a bit weird, but that's okay, because it is weird."
-- Larry Wall in perlref(1) man page, Perl 5.001