Re: mod_perl 2.0 and cookies

2003-07-11 Thread Dennis Stout
 So I've decided to dive headlong into 2.0. So far I like it but find the
 documentation lacking and there seems to be a lot missing. I tried
 Apache::Cookie with it, no dice. It gave an error to the effect that it
 didn't know what bootstrap was (I think that was it). Apache::Cookie
 made inserting cookies in mod_perl 1.0 so easy which in turn made life
 easier for programming. However I have scoured the documentation on how
 to insert a cookie into the header and the only thing I could come up
 with is that you use a filter to do it. Somehow I don't think that this
 is right and I am completely off. Could someone enlighten me as to how
 cookies work in MP2? If I can get past this I can figure out the rest on
 my own and maybe write a little documentation if I can understand it
 enough to do so.

From what I've figured out through experiementing, tho I'd find out a lot more
by reading source and I'd be a bit more accurate in this... But I think
mod_perl 2 is just simply lacking all together.  I think the docs are lacking
info because the program is lacking hte feature!

Course, this only means I havern't figured out how to use the features, if
they are there.  But, to me, mod_perl x+1 should be backwards compatible with
mod_perl x, if it isn't, then it's broken.  (in my opinion..)


Re: mod_perl 2.0 and cookies

2003-07-11 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Jamie Krasnoo wrote:

 So I've decided to dive headlong into 2.0. So far I like it but
 find the documentation lacking and there seems to be a lot
 missing. I tried Apache::Cookie with it, no dice. It gave an
 error to the effect that it didn't know what bootstrap was (I
 think that was it). Apache::Cookie made inserting cookies in
 mod_perl 1.0 so easy which in turn made life easier for
 programming. However I have scoured the documentation on how to
 insert a cookie into the header and the only thing I could come
 up with is that you use a filter to do it. Somehow I don't
 think that this is right and I am completely off. Could someone
 enlighten me as to how cookies work in MP2? If I can get past
 this I can figure out the rest on my own and maybe write a
 little documentation if I can understand it enough to do so.

It wasn't clear to me - are you using the development version of
httpd-apreq-2? The CPAN version of libapreq are for mod_perl 1 -
you'll need httpd-apreq-2 (available via cvs) for Apache 2.

If you are using Apache::Cookie of httpd-apreq-2, at this point,
probably the simplest way to see examples of the basic usage is
to go through the tests, under glue/perl/t/. Documentation
patches would be welcome - it would be easiest to subscribe to
the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list and submit them

best regards,
randy kobes

RE: mod_perl 2.0 and cookies

2003-07-11 Thread Randy Kobes
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Ross Matt-QMR000 wrote:

 I would really like to be removed from this list but the
 un-scribe does not work for me. the problem is the mail address
 that I used way back when has been aliases to different

Try sending a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for some suggestions.

best regards,
randy kobes