On Fri, 4 Aug 2000, Stas Bekman wrote:

> > People are migrating to XML because there are good editors coming onto the
> > market (though sadly none for Linux yet, but I'm getting close to
> > persuading Arbotext to port Adept to Linux...). The editors hide the
> > complexity and you never need to see the source code. But its there if you
> > need it (unlike Word, for example).
> Well, this is a whole different story :) Once there will be such an
> editor, things will be much better. 

Well the tools are now pretty nice for Windows.

> But you forget about the benefits of the source code editing, which is
> diff and tools working with it. Surely enough big editors support their
> own diff formats and tools, but they aren't possessed by many people. And
> with POD everybody has a text editor :)

As with XML :)

> > Ugh... I believe SDF has better support for tables, without resorting to
> > nastiness like that. I think if you like POD, you'll love SDF, Stas.
> > 
> >     http://www.mincom.com/mtr/sdf/
> Thanks for the link, Matt. I've seen this technology a while ago. The
> reason that I didn't use it, is that it's a much bigger superset of syntax
> that I need. If all I miss is a tables formatting, I'd rather add this
> support than go for a complete format change.

I wonder if it would be easy to rip the table support out of SDF and use
that, rather than change completely to SDF. I find table support to be
POD's only real severe weakness.


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