Re: Help with Apache::SSI Apache::Filter in Apache::ASP

2000-05-31 Thread Joshua Chamas

 [Wed May 31 01:26:44 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] state
 73d41e9eb24306295fa1e2b08f64d311 locks: 9, unlocks: 9
 [Wed May 31 01:26:44 2000] [error] Can't locate object method "run" via
 package "Apache" at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/A
 pache/ line 181.

Great problem report.  I appreciate the error_log output with 
Debug -2.  Apache::ASP is running, and the problem occurs at 
Apache::SSI in this code:

sub ssi_include {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $subr = $self-find_file($args);
-- unless ($subr-run == OK) {
$self-error("Include of '@{[$subr-filename()]}' failed: $!");

So why wouldn't the *run routine for Apache be loaded
properly?  I have no idea frankly, but this is reminiscent 
of general RedHat DSO problems, so you might try to recompile
statically at the end of this ordeal.

Finally if the virual thing isn't working for you, you can
still have file includes with !--#include file=""--
and can pass @args to it like % $Response-Include('', @args); %
such that the file is executed like a subroutine.

Good luck,

Joshua Chamas   Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks  free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA 

montefin wrote:
 I'm new here. I apologize in advance if I'm posting this wrongly or to
 the wrong list and for the messy 'cut and paste' job on the error_log
 below. I haven't been able to find a solution for a start-up problem I'm
 having with a new Apache::ASP install and would appreciate any help or
 clues greatly.
 Apache::ASP's test script 'ssi_filter.ssi' fails. It includes the
 header, the gifs and prints two lines of text then  balks at the Virtual
 table width=100%trtd
 !--#include virtual="%="$demo-{file}?virtual=1"%" --
 I built a static Apache 1.3.12 with mod_perl 1.22 nite before last.
 mod_perl was built, tested and 'make install'ed with EVERYTHING=1.
 stdout showed that PERL_STACKED_HANDLERS tested ok and was enabled.
 I installed both Apache::SSI and Apache::Filter. Then I installed
 Apache::ASP. It liked what it found. I did 'cp -r /site/eg' from src to
 Apache's htdocs/, I set 'AllowOverride All' for the htdocs directory and
 the eg directory in httpd.conf, and everything else seems to work ok,
 except the file 'session_query_parse.asp' which works fine sometimes and
 throws an error at other times. Ownership in eg is 1001.bin and
 permissions are chmod 0777 for site/eg under Apache's DocumentRoot.
 Apache is owned by nobody.nobody.
 I haven't tried to config httpd.conf yet (except for the 'AllowOverride
 All' directive) because reading some of Joshua Chamas replies in this
 list's archives seems to indicate that's not necessary for the test
 scripts in site/eg. Man says there's a problem with SSI needing to be
 the last include, but indicated that simple directives like
 !--#fsize--, !--#flastmod-- should not be a problem.
 All the other scripts work great and I can't wait to dig into mod_perl
 and Apache::ASP. I'd just like to find out if I've got a good install
 before I try to break it.
 Thanks again,
 ssi_filter.ssi presented the following in error_log:
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] RUN ASP (v0.18)
 for /usr/local/apache-ASP/htdocs/site/eg/ssi_filter.ssi
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] loaded module
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] GlobalASA
 package Apache::ASP::Demo
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] compiling
 global.asa Apache::ASP::Demo
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] global.asa
 routines - Application_OnEnd: 1; Application_OnStart: 1;
 Script_OnEnd: 1; Script_OnStart: 1; Session_OnEnd: 1; Session_OnStart:
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] opening lock
 file /tmp/asp_demo/server/internal.lock
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] opening lock
 file /tmp/asp_demo/server/application.lock
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] created
 $Application - Count: 20; Session73d41e9eb24306295fa1e2b08f64d311: ?;
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] session id from
 cookie: 73d41e9eb24306295fa1e2b08f64d311
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] refreshing
 73d41e9eb24306295fa1e2b08f64d311 with timeout 959759203
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] session timed
 out, clearing
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] opening lock
 file /tmp/asp_demo/73/73d41e9eb24306295fa1e2b08f64d311.lock
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] Session_OnEnd -
 session: 73d41e9eb24306295fa1e2b08f64d311;
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] executing
 [Wed May 31 01:26:43 2000] [error] [asp] 

Re: Help with Apache::SSI Apache::Filter in Apache::ASP

2000-05-31 Thread Ken Williams

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joshua Chamas) wrote:
 [Wed May 31 01:26:44 2000] [error] [asp] [4815] [debug] state
 73d41e9eb24306295fa1e2b08f64d311 locks: 9, unlocks: 9
 [Wed May 31 01:26:44 2000] [error] Can't locate object method "run" via
 package "Apache" at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/A
 pache/ line 181.

Great problem report.  I appreciate the error_log output with 
Debug -2.  Apache::ASP is running, and the problem occurs at 
Apache::SSI in this code:

sub ssi_include {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $subr = $self-find_file($args);
-- unless ($subr-run == OK) {
$self-error("Include of '@{[$subr-filename()]}' failed: $!");

Wow, I just fixed this bug last night!  See if the version at works any better.

The bug is actually just a bad error message that's triggered when an
!--#include-- tag doesn't have either of the 'file' or 'virtual'

  Ken Williams Last Bastion of Euclidity