At 09:20 AM 8/17/2001 -0500, Purcell, Scott wrote:
>I am running Apache w/mod_perl on a NT box. Location = D:/Apache
>I have created some modules and put the modules in a folder
>I set my PATH on the NT box to look in D:/Apache/vb_modules and all is good
>when I use those modules under mod_perl folder.
>But today, I have the need to write some normal non-mod_perl files so I put
>a file in cgi-bin
>D:/Apache/cgi-bin and did a require module;
>But for some unknown reason, it says it cannot locate my modules?
>Why is it that the mod_perl folder has no issues and the cgi-bin directory
>cannot find my modules????
>I have never seen anything like this. Does anyone have any ideas?
>Is there some config I need to set up in the cgi-bin directory?

I don't think so. Note that Apache recognizes the first line of the script 
and will attempt to resolve Perl in that location. eg #!/usr/bin/perl is 
resolved by default ( I think ) to c:\usr\bin\perl.exe

So you may wish to be truly explicit and use #!c:\perl\bin\perl.exe

Instead... (You may have to escape the \ but I forget).

>Scott Purcell

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Open Web Technology Company

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