[Fwd: Re: Urgent : How do I redirect to multiple frames?]

2000-05-28 Thread Kenneth Lee

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Urgent : How do I redirect to multiple  frames?
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 10:37:34 -0700 (PDT)

 sadhanandham balaraman wrote:
   How can one redirect HTML docs to
 different frames from WITHIN a single PERL script
Example I have a perl script which generates 3 HTML code
  output for three frames. Now how can I specify that this HTML
  is for this frame

Well, a solution comes to mind, but it's a bit kludge-y.
You could send the output of one frame, and have it include JavaScript
(or some such) that loads the next frame, which loads the next

Obvious downsides are
1) it won't work in browsers without script,
2) it requires that you write more code, in the browser script
3) it makes redundant calls to the perl code on the server,
4) it requires that the server code differentiate between calls to know
which page to send

There are other problems, but I have seen people use this approach

Another approach would be to have the perl script write the pages to
tempfiles (ugh...), then return a frameset that included those.  You
might want to add some code to clean them up afterwards, such as having
the same script remove all such files that are a day old or something,
though on a high traffic site that might eat up a *lot* of tempspace. 
It still ends up as multiple server hits, as the frameset makes the
browser request the temp pages individually.

A simpler halfway point which wouldn't require tempfiles *or* script
would be to have the script send the frameset with the frame contents
each calling the same script with different parameters.  A slight
improvement, perhaps, but still redundant hits.

Obviously,  these could use , and don't exactly do what you asked, but
they do accomplish the end result, and sometimes it's good to hear
someone's crackpot alternatives.  Maybe you'll be inspired. =o)

Good luck.

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Re: Urgent : How do I redirect to multiple frames?

2000-05-26 Thread Ime Smits

| Hi all,
|  How can one redirect HTML docs to
|different frames from WITHIN a single PERL script
|  Example I have a perl script which generates 3 HTML code output for
| three frames. Now how can I specify that this HTML is for this frame

You can't. What I do is let my script generate a document with a frameset
and dynamically generate querystrings for each frame
src="somewhere?something" tag. Another approach is to just let your script
generate just a htmlbody onLoad="alotofjavascript"/body/html,
possibly in a 0-sized frame and let javascript load all the other frame
