RE: set_handlers() bug?

2000-08-15 Thread Doug MacEachern

On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:
 IIRC, Doug agreed to take a look at get/set handlers issues 'soonish' :)

i guess this is later than 'soonish', sorry ;-/

RE: set_handlers() bug?

2000-06-26 Thread Christian Gilmore

So, I've done a bit more debugging. It looks like set_handlers is all
befuddled. I have the below code:

  my $handlers = $r-get_handlers('PerlAuthzHandler');
  foreach (@$handlers) {
$r-log-debug("handler: (Pre) PerlAuthzHandler $_ next in line");
  # Per Eric Cholet
  # $r-set_handlers(PerlAuthzHandler = [\OK]);
  $r-set_handlers(PerlAuthzHandler = [\Tivoli::Apache::AuthzCache,
  #$r-set_handlers(PerlAuthzHandler = undef);
  $handlers = $r-get_handlers('PerlAuthzHandler');
  foreach (@$handlers) {
$r-log-debug("handler: (Post) PerlAuthzHandler $_ next in line");
  return OK;

[Mon Jun 26 10:30:58 2000] [debug]
[client] handler: (Pre) PerlAuthzHandler
Tivoli::Apache::AuthzCache::handler next in line
[Mon Jun 26 10:30:58 2000] [debug]
[client] handler: (Pre) PerlAuthzHandler
Tivoli::Apache::AuthzLDAP next in line
[Mon Jun 26 10:30:58 2000] [debug]
[client] handler: (Pre) PerlAuthzHandler
Tivoli::Apache::AuthzCache::manage_cache next in line
[Mon Jun 26 10:30:58 2000] [debug]
[client] handler: (Post) PerlAuthzHandler CODE(0x4a3a00) next
in line
[Mon Jun 26 10:30:58 2000] [debug]
[client] handler: (Post) PerlAuthzHandler CODE(0x1840c4) next
in line

The behavior I see is that changes to set_handlers that aren't set to undef
are ignored. AuthzLDAP and AuthzCache::manage_cache are still called even
though I set the handlers to be a stack of AuthzCache and OK. According to
get_handlers, I'm getting garbage back after I do a set_handlers. When I do
a set of undef, get returns nothing, properly enough, but the DirectoryIndex
is ignored/missing.
