Title: Sr software engineer positions at AvantGo

The mobile internet team at AvantGo is looking for excellent web engineers!

Located in San Mateo, AvantGo develops software to deliver internet/intranet content to handheld devices and cell phones. We mantain the fun, casual and intellectual environment of a small company, while striving to grow aggressively in our space.

The mobile internet team is responsible for technologies underlying AvantGo's web site, internet sync service, and the handheld user interface.  We develop web applications with Perl, Apache, mod_perl, Mason, and mysql.  We also develop our highly-tuned server infrastructure in C.  Generally engineers get the choice of which kind of work they'd like to do, with FreeBSD Unix as a common platform.

Requirements: strong software development skills, experience with Unix and web technologies. Plusses include experience with C and/or Perl, Apache, SQL, and a computer science or equivalent degree.

All positions are full-time and on-site. Occasional work-at-home may be negotiated.

Send your resume to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] if interested.


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